Homestead Act of 1862
Took place in the plains. when congress gave 160 free acers of land to anyone who would pay the fileing fee. This helped populate the plains with new settlers -
Fetterman massacre
It took place on the bozeman trail.When crazy horse led 80 solders to a trap of hundreds of indian warriors. The solders were wiped out. This was the bloodiest of many indian attacks. -
Treaty of fort Laramie
This happend in fort laramie whitch is present day wyoming. This treaty stated that the sioux indians would settle between the black hills. America did this because they didnt want anymore incadents accure were people were attacked and killed -
1874 Discovery
In the hills of dakota there were rumors that there was gold. so custer led an army into the area and confermed that there was inded gold there. -
Battle of little bighorn
Colonel George Custer led a regiment into the Indians land to raid it. But he was supprised by an army of SIoux And Cheyenne indiand. Custer had about 250 solders agensed thousands of indians. The group of solders were all killed including Custer -
Ghost Dance
The indians were in dispare because of the daws act. In desperation they turned to a prophet named Wovoka. He clamed that if they performed a ritual called ghost dance They could regain there former greatness. While they were performing there dance reservation officials got scared and banned the Ghost dance. -
Wounded knee
Indian Solders fled In fear after sitting bulls death. American soulders were sent to collect wepons from the sioux but after a pistol shot fighting rang out over 200 indians were killed and 25 solders dead.