Homestead Act of 1862
This at was passed in 1862 by Confress which stated 160 free acres of lan to a settler who paid a filling fee and lived on the land for a reign of five years. The policy brought farmers to the plains and they earned ownership of the land by living on it. Most of the new settlers where immigrants who had begun the process of becoming American citizens. Others were unmarried women, if they were married they couldn't claim land. This meant that single women and widows had the same rights as men. -
Fetterman Massacre
The Sioux and the Cheyenne worked together to stage a series of attacks in the years 1865 to 1867. In working together the bloodest battle was on December 21, 1866. The army troops were manning a fort on the Bozeman Trail, used by prosectors to reach the coal mines in Montana. The Sioux military eader, Crazy Horse, acted as if he were a decoy to lure the troops into the deadly trap they had planned for them. The commander was tricked into sending a detachment of around 80 soldiers to the trap. -
Treaty of Fort Laramie
This took place in Fort Laramine. The Americans wanted to preserve their lands, sovereignty, and ways of life. The U.S. government. The debate over the land had the U.S. government and the Native Americans and is well documented in the National Archives. -
Discovery of 1874
In the Black Hills of the Dakotas, the government had promised that no white person can be permitted to settle or occupy, or even just pass through the hills. There were rumors going around that the hills conained gold. Custer led an army that went to check if te gold was there. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
There was a treaty that was supposed to bring peace but seemed to erupt in more fighting in the next years. The United States was ordered to round up the Native American warriors and move them to reservations. The Lieutenant Colonel George Custer, divided his regiment and attacked the Native Americans. Although their actual strength was unknown, the army was defeated. -
Wounded Knee
This battle took place in the southwestern South Dakota state. The army went to gather the Lakota Sioux 's weapons. The sioux did not want to give up their weapons therfore thrasing out in shooting pistols. The army then retaliated in the same action, fighting back with fire arms. The Army had came out in victory whic in result marked the end of the conflicts between whites and Native Americans. -
Ghost Dance
This was a way for the Sioux to express there culture that was being destroyed. The reservaion officers soon became aware of the cultural dance, they decided to ban the dance.The police thought that the chief, Sitting Bull, was the leader so they arrested him. In December the army went to collect all of the Sioux's weaons from the reservations. Still being unsure of how the fight started all we know is that a pistol was shot and more than 200 Sioux were killed along with a death of 25 sodiers.