nondum lucet, Cornelia surgit et per villam ambulat.
when there was not yet light, Cornelia gets up and walks through the country house. -
iratus est Corelius, subito.
Cornelius is suddenly angry. -
cornelia ancillam, nomine Syram, per villam observat.
Cornelia watched her slave-girl named Syra through the country house. -
adhuc Syra villam purgat, cotidie purgat villam.
Syra is still cleaning the house, she cleans the house everyday. -
nondum lucet - servi laborant.
When there is not yet light, the servants work. -
multi servi mox strenue in agris laborant.
Many servents are soon working actively in the fields. -
cibum coquere parat Thressa, cotidie coquit.
Theressa prepares to cook food, she cooks every day. -
pater surgit iam et petit servum
Now the father gets up and looks for the slaves. -
Davus currit, neque ambulat
Davus runs, and doesn't walk. -
cornelia ancillas observat.
Cornelia observes the slave-girls.