nondum lucet, Cornelia surgit et per villam ambulat.
It is not yet light, Cornelia gets up and walks through the country house. -
nondum lucet- servi laborant.
It is not yet light- the slaves work. -
etiam Sextus dormit, neque Corneliam vexat.
Also Sextus is asleep, and does not annoy Cornelia. -
cibum coquere parat Thressa, cotidie coquit.
Thressa prepares to cook food, everyday she cooks food. -
iratus est Cornelius, subito.
Cornelius is angry, suddenly. -
Davus currit, neque ambulat.
Davus runs, and does not walk. -
etiam piscina purgat.
Also, cleans the fishpond. -
pater est laetus quod Davus est non.
The father is happy because Davus is not. -
Cornelia ancillas observat.
Cornelia observes the slave women. -
ancillae lanam trahunt.
The slave women spin wool.