The English Colonies

By mb72
  • Virginia

    Founded by the "London & London Company".
  • Massachusetts

    Founded by the "Massachusetts Bay Company".
  • Maryland

    Founded by Lord Baltimore.
  • Rhode Island

    Founded by Roger Williams.
  • Connecticut

    Founded by Thomas Hooker.
  • Carolina

    Was a prioritering colony, was granted to the friends loyal of King Charles.
  • New York

    Founded by the Duke of York.
  • New Jersey

    Founded by Sir George Cateret and Lord Jhon Berkely.
  • New Hampshire

    Founded by John Wheelwright.
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded by William Penn.
  • Delaware

    William Penn granted an assembly of the countries.
  • North Carolina

    Colonists were unhappy that they weren't protected enough from the spanish so became two seperate colonies.
  • South Carolina

    Colonists were unhappy that they weren't protected enough from the spanish so became two seperate colonies.
  • Georgia

    Founded by James Oglethrope.