Jamestown, Virginia.
First colony, founded by the London Company. This was the second time trying to get this colony established it failed the first time in 1585. -
Founded by the Massachusetts Bay Company. Religous common wealth of tightly knt communities. Puritan work ethic helped with the colony's rapid growth. -
Founded by Lord Baltimore. Religious persecution was forbidden but it was difficult keeping this law. -
Founded by Thomas Hooker. Towns were set up similar to thos in England and the voting rights were expanded to men outside the church. -
Rhode Island
Founded by Roger Williams a puritan dissenter. -
New Hampshire
It had a representative self government and was founded by John Wheelwright. -
New York
Was founded by the Duke of York and was a proprietary colony. -
New Jersey
Sir George Carteret amd Lord John Berkley gave large land grants and freedom of religion to attract settlers. -
William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a place where quakers could freely and safely practice their religion. -
Was also founded by William Penn and was orginally part of Pennsylvania. -
South Carolina
Was founded by a group of settlers who revolted against the government of Carolina because they wanted more protection they took the other half of Carolina. -
North Carolina
Was founded by a group of settlers who revolted against the government of Carolina because they wanted more protection. Similar to Virgina because many settlers moved into NC from Virgina. -
James Ogelthrope founded Georgia to give poor people fresh start. There were very strict rules.