Colonies Project Carissa Contra Bell #1

  • Jamestown, Virginia

    Jamestown was founded in 1607. It was founded by the Virginia Company of London. It was named "Jamestown" in a way to honor King James I. This is considered the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • Plymouth

    James I threatened seperatists. But, he later died, and Charles I be ame king. Therefore, the seperatists fled England, and Plymouth was founded. Plymouth eventually combined with Massachusetts. It was founded by The Massachusetts Bay Company in 1620. It had a representative self-government, and held town meetings. The settlers worked very hard in a way to honor God. Dissenters were present, and were asked (forced) to leave.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was founded by Thomas Hooker. In Connecticut there were expanded voting rights to men outside the church. The citizens set up towns similar to thoses in England, in which they came. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was written,
  • Maryland

    Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore. It was a proprietary colony, with elected assembly, and governed by a single owner. They grew tobacco, and needed slaves and indentured servants. There were many religious conflicts, and Catholics were persecuted.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams. Those that settled there, believed that the church and state should be kept apart. The First Baptist Church of America was created. They set up towns simiilar to those in England, in which they came from.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire was founded by John Wheelwright. The Mayflower Compact was written, in a way to establish the practice of self-government. They set up towns similar to those in England, in which they came.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey was founded by Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkley. It has a representative assembly with large land grants. There is a large population of English Puritans.
  • New York

    New york was founded by the Duke of York. It was a proprietary colony. Shipping, commerce. farming, trading, in rich soil helped them make money. It had great ethnmic and religious diversity.
  • South Carolina

    It was founded by colonists who were unhappy because they had lack of protection and became seperate from the royal colonies.It was ruled by government appointed by the king. They exported rice and had slaved. There was religious tolerence.
  • Pennsylvania

    It was founded by William Penn, and had religious freedom. They had rich soil for farming, and a large growing season. It was the "City of Brotherly Love."
  • North Carolina

    It was founded by colonist in which were unhappy because of the lack of protection. They became seperate from the royal colonies. It was ruled by government appointed by the king. They exported rice and had slaved. There was religious tolerence.
  • Delaware

    It was founded in 1701 by William Penn. They had an assembly. There was shipping, commerce, and farming.
  • Georgia

    It was originally founded by James Oglethorpe. They opposed large plantations, slavery, and had strict rules. They established small farmsa, and had all protestan groups not catholics.