Jason and Jessica marry
We got married on October 16th 1998 in Mobile,Al -
Mallory Grace
Mallory Grace Hadaway is born on August 24th 1999 in Mobile, AL. She weighed 7lbs.7 oz. She was born at Springhill Memorial Hospital. Mallory is now 11 years and is in the 5th grade. -
Jackson Davis
Jackson Davis Hadaway was our second child born on May 1st 2002. He weighed 8lbs and 6oz. He was also born at Springhill Memorial Hospital. -
Moved to Baldwin County
Here I am with Mallory, Jackson, my Mom and Grandmother a few months after we moved to baldwin county. In May 2007 -
Joshua Alexander
Joshua was born shortley after we moved to Baldwin County. He was born in Foley at South Baldwin Regional. He weighed the same as Jackson at 8lbs and 6oz. -
Joshua's dedication to the Lord
THis is the day we dedicated Joshua to the Lord . We were members of Faith Family Fellowship at this time. -
Jackson graduates from k-4
This is the day Jackson graduated from k-4 from a church school in Robertsdale,Al in 2007 -
Mallory end of year 1st grade
Mallory accepting her award for honor roll at the end of 1st grade -
Joshua's first beach trip
Joshua asleep on his very first beach trip in June of 2007 -
First trip to Dinosaur Adventure Land
Mallory and Jackson at Dinosaur Adventure Land in Pensacola,Fl -
Christmas 2007
Mallory and Jackson enjoying the lights in Silverhill,Al -
Mallory and Jackson first day of school 2008
Mallory and Jackson's first day of school. 3rd and 1st grade in 2008 -
Jackson's first football game 2008
This is Jackson at his very fist football game. He played for the Loxley Bengals in 2008 -
Christmas 2008
This is our first Christmas in Fairhope. Mallory, Jackson and Joshua and our sweet dog Ruby -
Mallory and Jackson first day of school 2009
Mallory and Jackson on the first day of school 2009. Mallory 4th grade and Jackson 2nd grade. -
Jackson's first football game for Fairhope
Halloween 2009
Mallory and Joshua Halloween afternoon 2009 -
Mardi Gras 2010
Jackson showing off what he caught at the parade -
First Day of school 2010
Mallory and Jackson first day of school 2010. Mallory 5th grade and Jackson 3rd grade -
Joshua's first day of preschool
Joshua on his first day of preschool Sept. 2010 -
Kids first Jags game! Go Jags
The South Alabama marching band! This was the kids first Jags game