Invisible Man: Reaction Journal

  • Chapter 1

    Chapter 1
    The Invisible Man was told that he was going to read a speech at an event but ended up getting in a boxing match with 10 other black guys.
  • Chapter 2

    Chapter 2
    Why were the wheelchairs red? The wheelchairs were red because they symbolized the blood that was shed by the veterans.
  • Chapter 3

    Chapter 3
    Do you think it was necessary for Supercargo to get beat like that? No- I don't think that Supercargo should have gotten beat like that, no one deserves that kind of beating. It was not needed and not deserved.
  • Chapter 4

    Chapter 4
    Why do you think that all these emotions are coming out of the closet now and not earlier in the story? I think that he is now saying all of this because now everything has been built up for so long that now its about to explode and come out.