depression takes a toll
in the 1930's due to the great depression libraries have to slash budgets even though the number of people using keeps rising.
the new deal helps rebuild libraries. -
library bill of rights
"ALA" adopts the library bill of rights, censorship over the grapes of wrath battle establishes Committee on Intellectual Freedom one year later -
library services act
congress passes act to expand library services -
Library of Congress develops machine-readable cataloging -
expands federal aid for public library construction and school library improvements -
ohio college library
computerize state academic libraries to share costs. -
white house confrence
First White House Conference on Library and Information Services -
information demand
Use of personal computers explodes for long-distance communication, -
private fundraising
cutbacks in federal support cause private fundraising to occur -
schools and home connect to the world wide web -
memory project
Library of Congress launches American Memory project to make audio and visual materials accessible electronically and National Digital Library.