Erat undecimā horā.
It is the eleventh hour. -
Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.
The carriage is still in the ditch, the wagon is not able to move. -
Aurelia sollicita erat. Cornelia lacrimabat; etiam pueri pericula iam timebant; Cornelius in viā stabat sollicitus et caelum spectabat quod iam advesperāscēbat.
Aurelis is worried. Cornelia is crying and both of the boys are afraid of the danger and Cornelius is standing in the road woried looking towards the sky that is now getting dark. -
Clamat Aurelia, “O me miseram! Cauponas non amo."
Aurelia Shouts "Oh poor me! I do not love inns." -
Saepe ibi perīcula sunt magna.
Often there is great danger. -
Eucleides rogat. “Nullum est periculum. Omnes cauponae non sunt periculosae. Omnes caupones nōn sunt scelestī. Ille caupō est amicus meus. Graecus est et vir bonus.”
Euclrides says, " There is no danger. All inns are not Dangerous. All inns are not wicked. The innkeeper is my comrade. Graecus is a good man. -
Tum Aurelia, “Cornēlius est senator Romanus. Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.”
By that time aurelia says "Cornelius is a Roman Senator. Roman Senators do not spend the night at inns." -
Nulla vehicula apparent quod advesperascit.
The vehicle does not appear after dark. -
Necesse est igitur ad cauponam ire. Agite puerī!
Therefore it is neccesary to find the inn. Follow me boys. -
Est nullum auxilium. Illa caupona non procul abest.
There is no help. The inn is far away at a distance. -
Itaque, dum Eucleides Cornelios ad cauponam dūcēbat, raedarius solus in viā manebat; raedam et equos custodiebat.
And so, Eucledis and Cornelius lead towards the inn, the coachman stays alone with the carriage alone in the road and he was guarding the carriage and the horses.