Aristotle 322-384 B.C
Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, and was known as one of the greatest and most intelligent figures of the Western History. In his Metaphysics he makes an argument of that the theory of Plato fails to solve the problem that was meant to be. He then introduced new units to go through the changes. He states that the theory only introduces new unites to an equal number by doubling it. Aristotle was born in 322 B.C. and he died in 384 B.C. -
Democritus' discovery
Around 400 BC, Democritus discovered that all matter is made up of tiny particles that are always in motion. He stated that atoms were never created; that they just existed and they have physical properties. He also said that atoms are eternal, meaning they can never be destroyed. -
Additional Events of the 1800's
1.Barbary Wars.
2.Lousiana Purchase
3.Lewis&Clark Expedition.
4. War of 1812.
5.Creek War.
6.Missouri Compromise.
7.Monore Doctrine.
8.Erie Canal.
9.Nat Turner's Rebellion.
10. Battle of Alamo and Texas Independence. -
Joseph Proust's Discovery
Joseph Proust was a French chemist where he was noticed for his help to provide the idea that every pure chemical compound that contains of elements. This idea became known as the law of constant proportions. And in the early 1800’s a leading French chemist by the name of Claude L. Berthollet doubted Proust’s discovery, but in the year 1808 he was proven wrong. when he was in his early 30’s he moved to Spain, and taught chemistry in universities discovered many ways on how to find sugar in fruit -
John Dalton's discovery
Dalton discovered the law of partial pressures, which states that the pressure of a nonreactive gaseous mixture is equivalent to the sum of pressures of each different element in the mixture, also meaning they have the same volume as the mixture. In 1804, he discovered that if two elements have more than one combination, then the weight amounts of one of them belonging to the unchanging amount of the second one stay in relation of small integers. This is known as the law of stoichiometry. -
Ten Additional Events of 1804
- Napolean declared leader of France
- Lewis & Clark expedition begins
- Independence of Haiti from France proclaimed
- First laws to restrict free blacks movement are passed
- New Jersey becomes last northern state to abolish slavery
- Jefferson nominated for president
- Impeachment trial of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase
- 12th amendment ratified
- Congress orders removal of Indians east of Mississippi to Louisiana
- Thousands of whites are killed in Haiti
Additional Events of 1896
1.Am. Transcontinental RR is completed.
2. First horseless carriage show in London.
3.1st Ed. of London Daily Mail.
4.Bay District Race Track closes.
5.255 people were killed in a twister.
6.Grease fire ignites.
7.Birth of Howard Hawks.
8.Major tornado strikes urban US.
9.Supreme Court affirms "separate but equal" policy.
10.1st automobile arrived in Netherlands. -
Max Planck's discovery
In 1900, Plank came up with the universal constant "h", which is now called Planck's constant. This is important because it allows us to find the energy of light from the equation "E=h*f". The creation of the constant was a basis for twentieth century physics research. Planck also created the Quantum Theory, which states that light has to be emitted and absorbed in distinct amounts. -
Ten Additional Events of 1900
- Open door policy with China announced
- U.S. senate accepts Anglo-German treaty of 1899
- U.S. and U.K. sign treaty for Panama canal
- Hawaii becomes U.S. territory
- U.S. steel corporation formed
- American hall of fame found
- U.S. currency goes on gold standard
- U.S. navy's first submarine showed off
- First known occurrance of the word "hillbillie"
- Second modern Olympic games opens in Paris
Discovery of Radioactivity
Henri Becquerel discovered the plan polarized of light with the phenomenon of phosphorescence and the absorption of light by crystals. In order for Becquerel to conclude his results, he placed the salt near a photographic plate covered with opaque paper, the paper was discovered foggy, and in doing this, he discovered that it was the property of the Uranium atom, and Uranium’s rays were produced, which differentiated from x-rays that would repel by electric or magnetic fields, thus the discoverd -
J.J. Thomson's discovery
J.J. Thomson is known as "the man who first split the atom" because of his discovery of electrons and protons. From his work with cathode rays, he found a single type of negatively charged particle, which he called "corpuscles". This led him to determine t he nature of positively charged particles, and he later discovered protons. His discovery is important because electrons and protons allow us to determine elements from one another and also how they bond. -
Ten Additional Events of 1904
- Puerto Ricans denied admission to U.S. by Supreme Court
- First athletic letters given
- American occupation of Cuba ends
- Russian-Japanese war begins
- First International rugby league match is played
- Congress allows Lewis & Clark expedition $1 gold coin
- Ice cream cone makes its debut
- Third modern Olympic games open in St. Louis
- First Buddhist temple in U.S. forms
- Trans-Siberian railway finished
Additional Events in 1911
1.Inca city discovered.
2.Mexican dictator surrenders.
3.Mona Lisa Painting stolen.
4.The Secret Garden.
5.Imperial regime abolished in China.
6.A tale of two cities.
7.The race to the South Pole.
8.Airmail arrives at Windsor.
9.French poet & art critic arrested for theft of Mona Lisa Painting.
10.Germany accepts French control in Morocco. -
Discovery of the Nuclear Model of an Atom
Ernest Rutherford founded the nuclear model of the atom in the year 1911. He was also the first person to separate the nucleus of an atom. He discovered that atoms with a negative charge also known as the elections form the outer part which is mainly open space, and combined the nuclear model with the idea of the quantum theory discovered by Niels Bohr. In the year 1913. In 1917-1919, he produced the first artificial atomic transmutations seperating nitrogen atoms with alpha particles. -
Additional Event in 1913
1.Jan.US athlete Kim Thorpe lost his Olymipic Medals. 2.Feb.World's biggest train station opens 3.Mar. The first bull-nosed Morris Oxford was made at the Oxford Car Factory in Cowley, UK. 4.The Woolworth Building AKA the World's Tallest Building was completed in NYC. 5.Aug.Bulgaria agrees to a peace treaty 6.Sep.Irish Home Rule Bill was passed by British Parliament.7.Charlie Chaplin stars in: "Making a Living".8.World's 1st Crossword puzzle printed.9.Stolen Mona Lisa recovered.10.zipper invented -
Quantum Mechanical Model
Created by Niels Bohr in the year 1913, and this model was combined with Johannes Rydberg's formula[1888], Max Planck's Quantum Hypothesis[1900] J.J. Thompsons's Plum Pudding Model[1904], Albert Einstein's Light Quanta[1905] and Ernest Rutherford's Posititve Atom Nucleus Discvoery[1907]. -
Additional Events of 1913
- 16th amendment ratified
- First minimum wage law takes affect in the U.S.
- First U.S. law regulating the shooting of migratory birds passed
- Woodrow Wilson inaugurated as 28th president
- 17th amendment ratified
- Belgium begins strike for voting rights
- Skyscraper Woolworth building in NYC opens
- First 4 engine aircraft built and flown
- Romania declares war on Bulgaria
- First pilot parachutes from aircraft
Neils Bohr's discovery
Bohr discovered the structure of an atom. He found that atoms have a nucleus surrounded by electron shells containing electrons the orbit the nucleus. The electrons are in energy levels certain distances from the nucleus. If the electrons stay in the energy levels, they are stable. The electrons with the most energy are in the outermost shell and electrons with the least amount of energy are in the innermost shell. The electrons have to give away or take energy in order to change energy levels. -
Additonal Events of 1924
1.Father of USSR Dies,2.1st Winder Olympics.3.Table Soccer was invented.4.Howard Carter lifts the lid on King Tutankhamen's stone coffin.5.Metro Goldwyn-Mayer formed in Hollywood.6.Mahatama Gandhigoes on a hunger strike to protest against rioting btwn Muslims and Hindus.7.Alice's Wonderland created.8.Comic strip featuring Annie, her dog, and her doll.9.US piolots complete their 1st around the world flight.10.Kleenex is invented. -
Louis de Broglie's Discovery
In the year 1924, Louis de Broglie attended the Faculty of Sciences at Paris University where he discovered a thesis named Recherches sur la Théorie des Quanta which means the Researches on the Quantum Theory, and in this discovery, he earned a doctor’s degree. Four of many of his accomplishments were Researches on the Quantum Theory in Thesis Paris in 1924, Waves and Motions in Paris, 1926, Wave Mechanics in Paris, 1928, and the Non-Linear Wave Mechanics in Amsterdam, 1960. -
Erwin Schrodinger's discovery
In the first half of 1926, Schrodinger created the wave equation. He thought that atomic spectra should be determined by a certain equation, unlike Bohr's orbit theory. The wave equation demonstrates wave properties of matter and describes how a wave affiliated with an electron or some atomic particle varies in time and space as the particle moves under different forces. -
Additional Events of 1926
- First public demonstration of television
- U.S. senate agrees to join world court
- Three men dance Charleston for 22 hours
- NFL rules college students ineligible until class graduates
- Walt Disney studios form
- contract air mail service begins in U.S.
- International Greyhound racing association formed
- First transatlantic phone call
- First lip-reading tournament held in America
- U.S. marines land in Nicaragua
Additional Event for 1927
1.Land speed record smashed.2.Telephone service is set up btwn London and NY.3.Vienna burns as riots rock the city.4.Crowds stunn as pictures "talk".5.Tarka the otter.6.The "Bob"Haircut was invented.7.Sacco&Vanzetti died in electric chairs.8.1st underwater color photograph taken.9.Show Boat.10.A new model of ford invented. -
Werner Heisenberg's Discovery
Werner Heisenberg was a German physicist whose work dealt with the study of subatomic particles and announced this work in the year 1927. He was presented with a noble prize for the founding of a version in the field of physics known as the quantum mechanics. In order for Heisenberg to make a conclusion on his discovery, he did experiments dealing with light that was given off of atoms. In the early 1920’s after the conclusion of the subatomic particles, and then developed the matrix mechanics. -
James Chadwick's discovery
Although Rutherford guessed that there were paired protons and electrons in a atom, and called it a neutron, Chadwick is the one who actually found a neutral particle in the atom. He repeated his and Rutherford's experiments, but with the hope to find a neutral particle. He found it in 1932 and found out that its mass was about 0.1% more than that of a proton. The discovery of neutrons is important because they make up most of the mass of a nucleus. -
Robert Millikan's Discoveries
Robert Millikan was noticed for his measurement of the electric charge carried by an electron along with his experiments of cosmic rays, and in the year 1932 he won a noble prize for his discoveries. He designed experiments where he would spray drops of oil into a special chamber, where he measured how the charges carried by the electrons in the drops and how they were affected by the drops’ fall. He helped prove Einstein's mathematical explanation of photolectric effect through expierments. -
Ten Additional Events of 1932
- Mickey Mouse comics organized
- Hattie W. Caraway elected first woman senator
- Japan occupies Shanghai
- U.S. railway unions accept 10% wage reduction
- Al Capone sent to prison
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation organized
- Third winter Olymic games open in New York
- First Olympic dog sled race
- Japan declares Manchuria independent
- Camera exposure meter patented
Additional Events in 1932
1.New republic for Spain.2.Stratospheric record.3.BBC finds a new home.4.Bolivia&Paraguay at war.5.The Earth is dated.6.Roosevelt introduces his "New Deal".7.Sydney Harbour Bridge Opens.8.Albert Einstein dates the Earth.9.Electric Razors are manufactured.10.Harold Edgerton invents 1st electronic reusable camera flash.