
American pathways to the present

  • The Progressive Era.

    The Progressive Era.
    Many Americans read the book mukrakers' and many americans wanted to take action by joining refrom orgsnizations.
  • The Spanish - American War

    The Spanish - American War
    Feb 15, a explosion sank the marien killing 250 americans sailors. And we blamed the Spanish and called for war.
  • Assassination of president William McKinley

    Assassination of president William McKinley
    President William McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz and Theodore Roosevelt had taken over his place during the rest of his term.
  • Square Deal

    Square Deal
    Coal miners whent on a strike in may 1902 TR decied to give them a 10% rasie and reduced their hours from 10 to 9.Roosevlet called this a "Square Deal" for both sides , the frase became a slogan of his presidency.
  • Orville and Wilbur Wright make first powered flight at Kitty Hawk

     Orville and Wilbur Wright make first powered flight at Kitty Hawk
    After many fails the Wright brothers finally suceed in their first succesful powered plane flight at Kitty hawk.
  • Reform of the Workplace

    Reform of the Workplace
    A cigarette or match ignited a fire on an eighth floor on the Triangle Shirtwaist company. Many doors where locked so employee theft, 146 people died in the bad blaze.
  • The Election of 1912

    The Election of 1912
    Wilson criticized both about big business and big governament .42 percent of the popular vote, Wilson won the election.
  • Worl War 1

    Worl War 1
    It was mostly triggered by the assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, on 28th June 1914.
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    After 10 days of hard work , he came up with the plan the League of Nations. Nation of the world would come together to ensure security.
  • The Final Victory Suffrage

    The Final Victory Suffrage
    When tennessee Becam the thirty-sixth state to ratify the suffrage amendement.
  • Ford and the Automobile

    Ford and the Automobile
    Ford was a product that was invented in 1890 but came to makrket in the early 1920's
  • The Teapot Dome Scandal

    The Teapot Dome Scandal
    The economy was bouncing back because of the war. This was the worst scandle in history
  • The Coolidge Presidency

    The Coolidge Presidency
    Vice presednet was visting his parents on Aug 3, 1923 at about 2:30 a.m. , coolidge father , a jusitce of the peace administred to him the oath of offcie. in 1924 he ran in the elction and won.
  • American Heros

    American Heros
    Lucky Lindy climed into her cockpit and revved the engine. Amelia Earhart first women to fly accross the Pacific Ocean.and many others.
  • The beginning Newspaper

    The beginning Newspaper
    Many newspapers doubled in fact between 1914~1927. Although newspapers were getting bigger the number of them was declining.
  • Economy Appears Healthy

    Economy Appears Healthy
    After WW1 the government was trying to get back on track but yet agian the economy seemed healthy. The poeple felt good about Hoover being pesident.
  • A Consumer Economy

    A Consumer Economy
    After ww1 the united states mad a rapid change.Average wages rose more then 28 percent.The main cause of this growth was the Consumer economy.
  • The Market Craches

    The Market Craches
    Dow jones Industrial had a avrage of 381 stock prices. When the market chrashed Dow jones Industraildropped 21 points in an hour .
  • Buying on Credit

    Buying on Credit
    Instead of paying the full price they mad a plan called the installment plan. by 1929 Americans were using the installment plan by 60 percent of all cars.
  • Poverty Spreads

    Poverty Spreads
    Many Americans Lost most of their money that they had saved for many of years just beecause banks closed, people lost their homes and everything they ever worked for.
  • Republican Leadership

    Republican Leadership
    The American people turned to the republican party to maintian the united states.The Republican party domnaited all three branches.
  • The End of The Era

    The End of The Era
    By 1933 it was clear that the Era was ending. The 1920's were fadding away and Americans were Doing better every day.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    For Familys in the midwest and farmers , the harsh conditions mad it hard to keep a stable harvest with tornadoes and dust every where
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The New Deal took place right after president Roosevelt came into office and it came from the promise he had made to them in his presidential adress about the Great Depression.
  • The Recsssion of 1937

    The Recsssion of 1937
    The new deal did not stop the deprsion but it did leave us with a inproved government. The inprovement did not last long and and the economy collasped in Aug.
  • Japan Attacks Peral Harbor

    Japan Attacks Peral Harbor
    Dec 7, 1941 American army radar operator on the hawaiian island of Oahu reported to That there was planes headed toward him. After an hour 180 planes were streaked overhead.