Election of 1800
Jefferson ties Burr for president. After a deal with Hamilton, Federalists supports Jefferson for president. This is the first time power has changed from one party to another (Federalists). Jefferson called this the Revolution of 1800. -
John Marshall become Chief Justice
President John Adams appoints John Marshall as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Marshall will leave his mark on the court through decisions like Marbury v Madison which sets the precedent of Judicial Review which is when court declare laws unConstitutional. -
Treaty to Purchase Louisiana
France offers the Louisiana Territory to the US for $15 million dollars. The US intended to purchase only New Orleans to control the Mississippi RIver. France offered the deal ofter a slave revolt in Haiti make an invasion of American impossible. -
Hamilton-Burr Duel
In Weehawken New Jersey, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton meet for a duel. Burr has challenged Hamilton to duel over Hamilton's past actions to undermone Burr. Burr blames Hamilton for his loss in the Election of 1800 and for the govenorship of NewYork in 1804. Hamilton will be killed.