Chapter 17 By Marlee Bathalter

  • Ille caupō est amicus meus.

    That innkeeper is a friends of mine
  • Erat undecimā horā

    At the elenvnth hour
  • Cornelius in viā stabat sollicitus et caelum spectabat quod iam advesperāscēbat.

    Cornelius is on the road worriedly and looks at the sky as it gets dark.
  • . Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet. Fortasse equī cauponis raedam e fossā extrahere possunt.

    . Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet. Fortasse equī cauponis raedam e fossā extrahere possunt.
    Perhaps the innkeeper has hores at the inn to pull the carriege out of the ditch
  • Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.

    The senatores of rome do not stay in inns.
  • Appiā pernoctare non possumus.

    The road is not afraid.
  • Est nullum auxilium.

    No one is helping.
  • Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet

    Maybe, we can feed for the hores at the inn
  • . Agite puerī!”

    Come boy!"
  • Graecus est et vir bonus.”

    The Greeks are good men.