Chapter 17 by: Will Lightcap

  • Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.

    Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.
    The carraige is still stuck in the ditch, the coachman could not move it.
  • Aurelia sollicata erat.

    Aurelia sollicata erat.
    Aurelia is antious.
  • Cornelius in viā stabat sollicitus et caelum spectabat quod iam advesperāscēbat.

    Cornelius in viā stabat sollicitus et caelum spectabat quod iam advesperāscēbat.
    Cornelious is anxiously standing in the road and looks at the sky because it is already getting dark.
  • Eucleides rogat, "Visne igitur ibi pernoctare, domine?”

    Eucleides rogat, "Visne igitur ibi pernoctare, domine?”
    Eucleides asks, Do you want to stay at the inn master?
  • Clamat Aurelia , "Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet".

    Clamat Aurelia , "Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet".
    Aurelia shouted, "perhaps the innkeeper has other hourses".
  • Eucleides dicit, "Omnes cauponae non sunt periculosae".

    Eucleides dicit, "Omnes cauponae non sunt periculosae".
    Eucleides says, "all of the inns are not dangerous"
  • Aurelia dicit, “Cornēlius est senator Romanus.

    Aurelia dicit, “Cornēlius est senator Romanus.
    Aurlia says, "Cornelious is the senator of Rome".
  • Aurelia dicit, "Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.”

    Aurelia dicit, "Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.”
    Aurlia says, " the roman senators do not spend the night at inns".
  • Raedarius solus in viā manebat

    Raedarius solus in viā manebat
    The coachman remains alone in the road
  • Clamat Aurelia, "Fortasse equī cauponis raedam e fossā extrahere possunt".

    Clamat Aurelia, "Fortasse equī cauponis raedam e fossā extrahere possunt".
    Aurelia shouts, "Perhaps the innkeepers hourses can pull the carraige out of the ditch".