Stamp Act
This put a tax on all printed goods such as playing cards. The price ranged from newspaper witch was 1 cent and a didloma was 10 dollars. This violated the righ to liberty. -
Declaratory Act
It said that the British and the Americans would all follow by the same law. It also gave the king and parlament all the same ammount of power. This violated the right of liberty. -
Townshend Act
This tax replaced the stamp act because wre going to stop buying sertin things. This taxed things like paper, glass, paint and added on the the Tea Act. It was reppeled 4 years later in 1770. This gave away there property. -
Tea Act
This was an act that was to put tax on tea. This angerd the people in the 13 colonies. People made a revoltion and dumbed a lot of the tea into the harbor and the king got very mad. This gave away there liberty. -
Quartering Act
This act was to let the troops go into and demand shelter from the citizens of the colonies. People had to feed and shelter the troops like they were family. This was there property.