Ch. 17 by Jason L. in 1st per

  • Erat undecimā horā.

    Erat undecimā horā.
    It was the eleventh hour.
  • Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.

    Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.
    He remained in the ditch, the carrage was not able to move.
  • Aurelia sollicata erat.

    Aurelia sollicata erat.
    Aurelia was worried
  • Clamat Aurelia, “O me miseram! Cauponas non amo.

    Clamat Aurelia, “O me miseram! Cauponas non amo.
    Aurelia cried, " O poor me! I do not like inns."
  • Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet

    Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet
    Perhaps the inn has another horse.
  • In caupona pernoctare timeo.

    In caupona pernoctare timeo.
    I am afraid of staying the night in the inn.
  • Omnes caupones nōn sunt scelestī.

    Omnes caupones nōn sunt scelestī.
    Not every inn is wicked.
  • Graecus est et vir bonus.

    Graecus est et vir bonus.
    The Greek is a good man
  • Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.”

    Senatores Romanī in cauponīs nōn pernoctant.”
    Roman Senators do not stay the night in inns
  • Nulla vehicula apparent quod advesperascit.

    Nulla vehicula apparent quod advesperascit.
    No vehicles appear because it is dark.
  • Est nullum auxilium

    Est nullum auxilium
    There is no help.