Danny harder

Ch. 17 by Danny H. in 1st per.

By dharder
  • Erat undecimā horā.

    Erat undecimā horā.
    It is the eleventh hour.
  • Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.

    Raeda adhuc in fossā manebat, raedarius eam movere nōn poterat.
    The carriage is still remains in the ditch, the carriage driver is not able to move the carriage.
  • Aurelia sollicata erat.

    Aurelia sollicata erat.
    Aurelia is worried.
  • Cornelia lacrimabat; etiam pueri pericula iam timebant; Cornelius in viā stabat sollicitus et caelum spectabat quod iam advesperāscēbat.

    Cornelia lacrimabat; etiam pueri pericula iam timebant; Cornelius in viā stabat sollicitus et caelum spectabat quod iam advesperāscēbat.
    Cornelia Cries; the boys are worried about the dangers; Cornelius stands in the road worried and looks at the sky because it is getting dark.
  • Tandem Eucleides, “Videsne illud aedificium, domine?” inquit.

    Tandem Eucleides, “Videsne illud aedificium, domine?” inquit.
    Finally Eucleides says, "What about that building, master?" he asks.
  • “Videō,” Cornēlius respondet. “Quid est?”

    “Videō,” Cornēlius respondet. “Quid est?”
    "I see" Cornelius responds. "What is it?"
  • “Caupona est. Visne igitur ibi pernoctare, domine?”

    “Caupona est. Visne igitur ibi pernoctare, domine?”
    "It is an inn. Do you want for this reason to spend the night there, master?"
  • Clamat Aurelia, “O me miseram! Cauponas non amo.

    Clamat Aurelia, “O me miseram! Cauponas non amo.
    Aurelia shouts, "Oh poor me! I do not like inns."
  • Saepe ibi perīcula sunt magna.

    Saepe ibi perīcula sunt magna.
    "Often, dangers are large there."
  • Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet. Fortasse equī cauponis raedam e fossā extrahere possunt.

    Fortasse caupō aliōs equōs habet. Fortasse equī cauponis raedam e fossā extrahere possunt.
    "Perhaps the innkeeper has other horses. Perhaps, the innkeeper's horses are able to pull the carriage out of the ditch."
  • "In caupona pernoctare timeo.”

    "In caupona pernoctare timeo.”
    I am afraid to spend the night in the inn.