Chap 5 timeline

  • Sep 24, 1533

    ivan the terrible

    ivan the terrible
  • Jan 1, 1555

    Charles vi retires

    Charles vi retires
  • Nov 27, 1555

    peace of augsburg

    peace of augsburg
  • Jan 1, 1568

    15,000 killed in one day

    15,000 killed in one day
  • Aug 26, 1571

    the enemies of philip ii, the muslums

    the enemies of philip ii, the muslums
  • Jan 1, 1579

    dutch republic is born

    dutch republic is born
  • spainish fleet destroyed

    spainish fleet destroyed
  • prodestant union forms

    prodestant union forms
  • bohemian revolt

    bohemian revolt
  • 30 years war starts

    30 years war starts