AP US History

  • Jamestown Settlement

    The First American settlement was in Jamestown, VA in 1619. These pilgrims came over on the Mayflower ship mainly for religious freedom
  • Period: to

    Salutary Neglect

    During this time period, England colonized the new world and because of internal problems, they left the colonies to themselves, with a few exceptions. This led the colonists to believe that they would have this freedom from england for the rest of their lives
  • Mayflower expedition

    In 1620, a group of 120 pilgrims came to the New World to search for religious freedom and establish a colony.
  • War with Pequot Indians

    This war was caused by political divisions and the fur trade crisis wtih the colonists and the other surrounding Native American tribes.
  • Fundemental Orders of Connecticut

    The Fundemental Orders of Connecticut was the first written constitution in the colonies which established religious, political, and social tolerances.
  • Toleration Act of Maryland

    In 1649, Maryland passed an act that stated that they tolerated everyone who "believed in The Trinity". So they accepted all forms of Christianity, which was the first step in Religious freedoms in the New World.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    In 1676, 1000 men, led by Nathaniel Bacon went to Govenor Berekely's home in the capital of Virginia and torched it and ran him out of the town because they didn't approve of his friendly relations with the Native Americans.
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    French and Indian War

    Also known as the Seven Years' War. This war between England and France was over the lands west of the Mississippi River and over the Fur trading dilemma.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act stated that all official documents: letters, birth certificates, wedding certificates etc, had to have an official stamp from England placed on it, which would be taxed. This was one of the last straws that the Patriot colonists saw as a threat to freedom.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston "massacre" was when British soldiers fired at colonists. The colonists said it was on purpose while the British say it was accidental.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    This was the first official battle of the American Revolutionary War.
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    American Revolutionary War

    The war that gave America freedom from Britain for the first time.
  • Declaration of Independence

    When the Declaration of Independence was signed by the Continental Convention to delcare independence from Britain. Written by Thomas Jefferson
  • Declaration of Independence Ratification

    On July 4, 1776 the colonists declared independence from Britain and the members of the Continental Congress signed it.
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine created the pamphlet entitled "Common Sense" which stated that common sense proved that the colonists should no longer be under British control and that they should create their own country because the British were not doing anything productive for them, only taxing them more and restricting trade.
  • Cornwalis surrendered to the French/Americans

    Cornwalis, the British commander, was going to the Chesapeake Bay to receive supplies from England and was surrounded by the French at the sea and the American troops by land. He then surrendered because he knew that he had been defeated.
  • Continental Congress Meets in Philidelphia

    The continental Congress met to write the first consitution of the United States called the Articles of Confederation.
  • Constitution is signed and ratified

    On September 17, 1787, the first constitution of the United States of America was ratified and signed by the members of the Continental Congress.
  • France declares War on England

    France declares war on england because of disputes with trade, etc.
  • Jay's Treaty

    This treaty was between the US and Britain and it reinforced the Treaty of Paris stating that the British had to leave US forts and it lead to the Pickney's treaty.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    A war between Americans and the Miami Confederation (Native American tribe). The US was led by Mad Anthony Wayne and ended in an American victory
  • Pickney's Treaty

    Treaty with Spanish that stated that there was a secret plan with US and Britain working together to attack Spain and it gave the US the Right of Deposit to the Port of New Orleans.
  • Convention of 1800

    The US made an embargo on trade with England so as a result they created a commercial treaty with France to trade. At this point, Napoleon was the leader in France.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson went to France to try and buy back the Port of New Orleans for the US when they offered them the entire Louisiana area for $15 million to get rid of debts as well. The US agreed and gained the entire mid-west region that belonged to France.
  • Orders of Council and Continental System

    Stated that all trade had to go through Britain from the US. France's Continental System stated that it was illegal for your trade to go through Britain
  • Chesapeake Incident

    A ship that was located in Chesapeake Bay that British seized and demanded to search for impressors. England boarded it and took 3 people hostage
  • Embargo of 1807

    US cut off all trade with all countries.