Uncle sam  right

AP U.S. History

  • The First Virginia Charter

    The First Virginia Charter
    The British London Company and seperately established Plymouth Company were given charters for different areas of Virgina, however it was the London Company which primarily establihed settlers and dominantly reigned in Virginia.
  • First Meeting of VA House of Burgesses

    First Meeting of VA House of Burgesses
    The Virgina House of Burgesses was the first bicameral legislature in the colonies, an institutiion which would threaten King James I and give colonists growing ideals about representation and democracy.
  • The Mayflower

    The Mayflower
    A group of 102 people (half were Separatists) travelled on the Mayflower
    Captain: Miles Standish (not a Separatist)
    Landed in Plymouth Bay, which was far outside their charter specifications
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact had 41 signers, and was the first agreement of government.
    Norm was town meetings
    "Covenant of Grace" (God:people)
    "Social Government" (Government: people)
  • MA Bay Colony

    MA Bay Colony
    Reverend John White helped eager New England settlers to obtain The Massachusetts Company Patent, a land charter which allowed for approximately one hundred settlers to arrive and begin to establish land in the New World.
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    The Pequot Wars

    Powerful tribe in the Connecticut River Valley
    Set fire to native's homes and shot residents
    Tribe basically wiped out
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    Trade and Navigation Acts

    Colonies used for goods and raw materials
    exports > imports
    trade = wealth
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    King Philip's War

    Metacom, or as the colonists would call him- King Philip, was one of the most significant Native American rebellions of this era. His first location of attack was Plymouth colony, a destination which would also prove his troop's last attack. After a great victory at Plymouth, with food supplies low, and little battle equipment left, and discouraged by the death of Metacom himself, his troops eventually surrendered.
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    Queen Anne's War

    Britain gained Canadian territories, including Nova Scotia
    French were unconnected with the British regime
    Britain's naval power was apparent
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    Great Awakening

    1720's New Jersey; begun by Frelingheusan (minister)
    1730's Jonathan Edwards
    1739 George Whitfield, Southern minister
  • Addition of Georgia

    Addition of Georgia
    Founder: James Oglethorpe
    Last of 13 colonies
    "Buffer colony" between S.C. and F.L.
    haven for English debtors
    Savannah, GA proved a national port city
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    King George's War

    One of nine world wars
    Cause: War of Austrian Succession
    France allied with Spain
    New Englanders captured Louisburg (French territory)
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    French and Indian/ Seven Years War

    Thsi dispute began in the colonies over the Ohio River Valley and the extent of its jurisdiction. The turning point of the war occurred in 1758 when William Pitt was appointed as head General. While France no longer controlled North America, the British, in extreme debt, began to look to the colonies as means of decreasing their deficit.
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    NC Regulator Movement

    The Reugulator Movement of North Carolina was fought primarily over the conflict of Easterners unfairly taxing Westerners, resulting in non-representation by Eastern officials, which caused a great disunity in North Carolina.
  • English View of Colonists (1763)

    Post French and Indian War
    Colonists were uneffective in the war
    Disliked PA and New England for trading with France
    Issues with mercantilism
  • Colonist's Views (1763)

    Believed to be self-governing
    Began Mid-Western expansion
    No longer wanted British troops in colonies
    Believed they were the reason for the victorious outcome of the war
  • The Paxton Boys

    The Paxton Boys
    During the bleak December night, more than fifty Paxton Boys massacred a settlement of peaceful Conastoga Native Americans, in an attempt to threaten other tribes from war with the colonies.
  • Gaspee Affair

    Gaspee Affair
    Caused by abuse of Trade/ Navigation Acts
    Colonists burned ship (Gaspee) and injured crew
    Trial in England
    Jury found no witnesses (imagine)
    Colonial courts arrested ship's captain for illegal goods
  • Tea Act of 1773

    Tea Act of 1773
    Attempt to save British East India Co from bankruptcy by allowing a total monopolization of the colonies
    levied a three pence tax
    put colonial tea merchants/ smugglers in awful financial situation
  • MA Government Act

    MA Government Act
    Closed original assembly
    Set up an appointed assembly
    Town meetings banned
    Committees of Correspondence banned
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Closed Boston Port
    Closed Colonial Assemblies
    British means of punishing colonists until the cost of the tea was defrayed
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    British sent ships to Boston Harbor to enforce the non importation and exportation regulations it had imposed
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    1,000 British troops
    8 killed; 10 wounded
    Concord Bridge farmers fired "Shot Heard Around the World"
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    1) Debated the idea of a fourteenth colonie for the Native Americans as means of peace
    2) Washington appointed task of Continental Troops Commander
    3) Authorized attack upon Canada
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    From colonies to Britain
    Colonial attempts at peace
    rejected by the King England declared colonies in a state of rebellion, August, 1775
  • Declaration of Causes of taking Up Arms

    Declaration of Causes of taking Up Arms
    Passed by the Second Continental Congress
    Justification of War
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    1) Listed philosophies
    2) Listed grievances to the king
    3) Declared independence
  • Battle of Saratoga (NY)

    Battle of Saratoga (NY)
    Colonial Victory
    Led to French alliance
    French provided troops, supplies, navy, etc.
    Provided England with possibility of a two-front war (uh oh!)
    Northern turning point
  • Battle of Kings Mountain

    Battle of Kings Mountain
    Overwhelming colonial victory
    On border of North/ South Carolina
    Turning Point of the South
    General Nathaniel Greene used surpirse tactics
  • Peace of Paris

    Peace of Paris
    US Benefits:
    Western boundary: Mississippi River
    Colonie's independence recognized
    British said they would evacuate NW troops
  • Land Ordinacne of 1785

    Land Ordinacne of 1785
    -Division of Old Northwest (3-5 new states)
    -Adoption of New England Township system
    Section 16 always reserved for education
  • George Washington becomes the first President of the U.S.

    George Washington becomes the first President of the U.S.
    -He was the first president
    -Only President to be elected unanimously by the Electoral College
  • Citizen Genet Affair

    Citizen Genet Affair
    Genet was a French and tried to recruit US citizens to become members of the French army
    He quickly kicked out of the U.S.
  • Marbury V Madison

    Marbury V Madison
    Supreme Court Justice- John Marshall
    He was a staunch Federalist.
    Ruling- Marbury's creation of jobs for circut court judges was unconstitutional.
    * Established judicial review
  • Burr vs. Hamilton (Duel)

    Burr vs. Hamilton (Duel)
    Hamilton was not particularly interested in fighting, yet did not want to damage his reputation, and so intentionally missed at Burr, while Burr's single shot killed Hamilton.
  • Chesapeake Incident

    Chesapeake Incident
    Chesapeake seized by British (US Ship)
    Commander denied British to search ship
    British fired on vessel
    took: 1 British deserter; 1 African American; 1 US citizen
    Result: Trade Embargo 1807
  • Orders of Council

    Orders of Council
    -British legislation requiring ships to go via England before being allowed into the rest of Europe
    France then implementsed the Continental System, a set of trade regulations based upon the Milan/ Berlin decrees that allowed France to seize ships of any nation tradin with Britain
  • Embargo of 1807

    Embargo of 1807
    Put in place by Jefferson
    Blocked all trade with Europe
    Attempted to put an end to impressment
    However, trade continued and the nation was virtually unmoved
  • Election of 1808

    Election of 1808
    James Madison won Presidency
    Previous Secretary of State
    "Father of the Constitution"
  • Non Intercourse Act

    Non Intercourse Act
    -Lifted embargo from nations except Britain and France
    -Opened trade significantly
    Erskine Agreement (see following event)
  • Erskine Agreement

    Erskine Agreement
    -Erskine was the British Prime Minister of the time
    -England offered to drop their Orders of Council
    -US offered to drop embargo against England
    - England decided to keep the Orders of Council
  • Macon's Bill Number Two

    Replaced Non-Intercourse Agreement
    Told Britain and France that whichever nation dropped their restrictions first, the U.S. would open trade with that nation and impose an embargo against the remaining nation
  • Ultimatum

    Madison gavce Britain a six month ultimatum to drop the Orders of Council, however Britain is unresponsive
  • Adams Onis Treaty

    Also known as: Florida Purchase Treaty
    Transcontinental Treaty
    Florida sold to the U.S. from Spain for $ 500, 000.000
    Set a boundary between Texas and Louisiana
  • Revolution of 1800

    Revolution of 1800
    Adams- 65 votes
    Pickney- 65 votes
    Jefferson- 73 votes
    Burr- 73 votes
    Hamilton turned political tide to favour Jefferson