The growth rate of some bamboo (3 ft/day) 0.0000237
The tip of a 1/3-in-long hour hand on a wristwatch 0.00000275
Garden snail 0.03
Three-toed sloth 0.15
Giant tortoise 0.17
Spider 1.17
The average current of the Mississippi River. 3
Chicken 9
Pig 11
Squirrel 12
The average speed of Roger Bannister 15
Black mamba snake 20
The fastest passenger elevator 23
Elephant 25
Cat 30
Grizzly bear 30
Wart hog 30
Giraffe 32
Rabbit 35
Greyhound 39
Coyote 43
Elk 45
Horse 48
Thompson's gazelle 50
Lion 50
The "Beast" roller coaster, 65
Cheetah 70
Speed of ball in world's fastest recorded pitch 100
Fastest tennis serve by Andy Roddick, USA. 155
Fastest downhill skier. 156
Free Fall Skydiving 185
The speed of a nerve impulse 205
Peregrine falcon 217
Fastest tornado wind speed. 318
Top speed of a formula one race car. 350
World’s fastest train, the TGV in France. 358
The speed of sound at sea level at 68 degrees F. 758
The fastest aircraft, the Lockheed SR-71. 2,193
The speed of a bullet 2,250
The highest man-made spinning speed 4,500
The speed reached by the space shuttle Columbia. 16,700
Escape velocity from the Earth. 25,200
An Atlas SLV-3C launcher 32,114
The average orbital speed of the earth 66,641
The orbital speed of an electron in a uranium atom. 5,406,077
The speed of light 670,251,600