
By tam1998
  • Period: 206 to 220

    Han Dynasty:A golden age for a united China

    Han Government resided with the Empror, who was the supreme rule.
  • Period: 220 to

    Six Dynasties

    A period of chaos and division
  • 303

    Persecution of Christians

  • 324

    Constantine i defeatded Lisinius and took over sole rule of Empire

  • 324

    Roman Emperor of East

    defeated by Roman Emperor of the West, Constantine (first Christian emperor); Byzantium renamed Constantinople & built up by Constantine.
  • 330

    Capital move from Rome to Constantinople

  • 452

    Attila the Hun ivaded Italy stayed out of Rome as request of Popeleo

  • 455

    Rome sacked by Vendals

  • 476

    Fall of Western Roman Empire by invasion of Goths.

  • 476

    Byzantine Empire of capital

    Constantinople considered capital of Byzantine Empire after Rome falls
  • 527

    Constantinople further built up by Emperor Justinian

    Constantinople further built up by Emperor Justinian I (e.g., Hagia Sophia, major Christian church; codification of Roman laws)
  • Period: 565 to


    city increasingly Greek in nature
  • Period: 570 to Oct 7, 632


    lays the foundation for the establishment and spread of Islam
  • Period: Nov 18, 700 to

    Byzantine Empire

    many Arab (Muslim) sieges of city; Byzantine Empire shrunken
  • Oct 7, 750

    Muslim use of water power and paper

    Muslims begin using water power for making paper, and constructing canals for transportation and irrigation.
  • Oct 7, 750

    Qur'an goes into print

    Muslim bookmakers begin printing the Qur'an and volumes of poetry and prose. Islam and the Arabic language spread dramatically
  • Period: Oct 7, 750 to

    Qur'an goes into print

    Muslim bookmakers begin printing the Qur'an and volumes of poetry and prose. Islam and the Arabic language spread dramatically
  • Oct 28, 1050

    Movable Type invented in China

  • Oct 7, 1054

    The Great Schism

    A schism, a break leads to two separate Christian churches: Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
  • Nov 18, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism- break between Rome (papacy) and Constantinople (Greek Orthodox)
  • Oct 28, 1065

    Song dynasty begins regular civil service exams.

  • Oct 7, 1066

    Feudalism starts in England

    William the Conqueror introduces feudalism to England
  • Dec 6, 1076

    Ghana Empire Falls

    captures by the Almarazi
  • Period: Oct 7, 1096 to Oct 7, 1291

    A Series of Crusades

    Muslims begin using water power for making paper, and constructing canals for transportation and irrigation.
  • Nov 18, 1204


    city taken by Crusaders
  • Oct 7, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    King John puts his seal to the Magna Carta- the first limit on the King's absolute power is established
  • Dec 6, 1235

    Sundiata rulers

    crippled, smart over came illness.
    helped many, encurranged farming and trade
    Evil ruler Sumangunu spared his life thinking him harmless.
  • Dec 6, 1324

    Mansa Musa ruled Mali- made Hajj

    his hajj:
    60,000 piligrim to Mecca
    over 30,000 pounds of Gold
    500 slaves each wiith a.d pound gold staff.
  • Oct 30, 1382

    Tang dynasty records a formula for gunpowder

  • Nov 18, 1453

    city of Constantinople

    city of Constantinople taken by Ottoman Turks (Mehmet, or Muhammad, II); renamed Istanbul, made capital of Ottoman Empire, and revived as center of learning and religious tolerance.
  • Period: Oct 7, 1492 to

    The Reconquista

    The Spanish conquer Granada, the last Muslim-held city in Spain, after a centuries-long effort to reassert Christian control there.
  • Period: Nov 18, 1520 to Nov 18, 1566

    Sultan Suleiman

    under Sultan Suleiman I, city at its height
  • Byzantine land

    Byzantine land in Asia taken by Ottoman Turks
  • I sleep at my uncle house

    that day at my uncle house have party at there,and after party i stay at my uncle house to sleep over.I sleep over with my cousin she is very cute me and her is share room together.That day i very fun and we play a lot of game.
  • I went to California

    This is my first time i went to California with my dad,mom,and my big brother.
  • I went to Great America

    the first time i went to great america with my uncle and my cousin and is really fun!!!
  • Entering middle school for the first time

    The first time of school the bell rung and i was really confused,I got lost but now i'm not confused anymore,and everyday went bell ring and i know what class i going to.
  • The first time i got detention

    At science class because i forgot my workbook at home.
  • Period: to

    Emperor Basi

    glory of city regained under Emperor Basil I; revival of learning (art and literature: older Greek models); major invasion by Turks
  • Period: to

    Empire reached greatest extend under Emperors Trajan

  • Period: to

    Hadrian's wall build in Britain

  • lowercase letters

    The Scholars in Charlemagne's schools begin to write with lowercase letters.
  • Diocletian split Empire into four sections ruled by two co-emperors

  • Empire devided into East and West

  • Byzantium and Western Roman Empire (span) C.E.

    Byzantium named by Roman Emperor Diocletian as a new center of Roman
    Empire with power split between Rome (West) and Byzantium (East)
  • Period: to

    Siu Dynasty

    Reunification of China
  • Period: to Oct 30, 1279

    Song Dynasty

    Economic development and growth; many inventions and discoveries, was marked by political and legal reforms, a philosophical revival of Confucianism, and the development of cities beyond adminitrative purpose into centers of trade, industry, and mantime commerce.
  • Period: to

    Tang Dynasty

    Economic development and growth; many inventions and discoveries, and Tang Dynasty was an Aristocracy is they rigidly divided by class and by status
  • Hadrian ordered building of Pantheon in Rome