
The French and Indian War

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" America

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" America
    Christopher Columbus is credited with the discovery of America, although he was not actually the first person to step foot in North America. The voyage used three boats. The most commonly reffered to was The Santa Maria. The other two were The Nina and The Pinta.
  • Jamestown Colony Created

    Jamestown Colony Created
    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement. It was located on Jamestown Island in the Virginia Colony, and founded by the Virginia Company.
  • Plymouth Colony is created

    Plymouth Colony is created
    This colony was created when settlers arrived at plymouth. Despite their efforts, many of them died due to harsh climate and illness.
  • Massachussets Bay Colony created

    Massachussets Bay Colony created
    When the settlers first set foot here, Native Americans occupied the land. Then they contracted small pox and died, so they left.
  • New Amsterdam Becomes New York

    New Amsterdam Becomes New York
    Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant surrenders New Amsterdam to the English. It was then named New York, after the Duke of York.
  • William Penn creates Pennsylvania

    William Penn creates Pennsylvania
    Originally called New Whales, Pennslyvania was founded by William Penn. It was paid for by a grant from King Charles II of England.
  • The Albany Congress meets

    The Albany Congress meets
    Benjamin Franklin and Hutchinson drafted t he Albany Plan of Union which was eventually voted down by colonists.
  • George Washington attacks Fort Duquesne

    George Washington attacks Fort Duquesne
    After assaulting Fort Duquesne, George Washington was forced to surrender.
  • French and Indian War Conclusion

    French and Indian War Conclusion
    The British defeated the French and Indians at last.