Orville & Wilbur, fly first powered air plane
North Pole reached by Rober Peary & Matthew Henson
Ernest Rutherford discovers the sturcture of the atom
Titanic sinks on maiden voyage; over 1,500 drown
Worldwide influenza epidemic strikes; nearly 20 mil. are dead
First woman governor, Nellie Tayloe Ross
Gertrude Ederle is first woman to swim English Channel
Georges Lemaitre proposes Big Bang Theory
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
Great Depression begins w/ stock market crash
Amelia Earhart is first woman to fly Atlantic solo
Hitler appointed German chancellor
World War ll begins
Pearl Harbor attack
Chuck Yeager becomes first person to break sound barrier
James W., Francis C., & Rosalind F. discover structure of DNA
Sputnik I is launched
Explorer I launched into orbit
Cuban Missle Crisis
President Kennedy shot
Shirley Anita first African Americn elected into the U.S. Congress
Apollo 11 astronauts walk on moon
Mysterious desease claims 29 lives @ an American Legion
Apple Inc. introduces Apple ll
Microsoft Windows 1.0, independent version released
Tim Berners writes first web client-server protocol
Becky Palmquist's Birthday
Larry Page & Sergey Brin create Google
Columbine High School Shooting
Global pandemic for H1N1