Slavery grows
Slavery grows in the south. -
Period: to
The growth of war
New creation
A new cotton tool was created. -
Congress passed high tariffs on goods made outside the country. -
The comprimises of 1820,1850,and 18504
THe comprimises made us grow further apart. -
the abolisinists
The abolisinist movement grew quickly in the 1830s and the 1840s. -
Big News
Wiliam Lloyd Garrison published the liberator. -
Congress made the fugitve slave law. -
Congress passed the Kansas,Nebraska act. -
Dred Scott Case
The Supreme Court said he was a propertie. -
John Brown's Raid
A abolishonist called John Brown made a raid on a Union military outpost. -
The north and south were deeply divided. -
War in the South
The south soldiers attaked the union fort called Fort Sumter.