
  • Beatles Break up

    Beatles Break up
    The extreemly popular Britisch band the Beatles disbanded.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
  • Introduciton of the VCR

    Introduciton of the VCR
  • Terrorists attac at Munich olympics

    Terrorists attac at Munich olympics
    11 members of the Isreali team were taken hostage and eventually killed along with a German police officer. The terrorist demaned the relese of 234 prisoners in Israili jails.
  • M*A*S*H T.V. show premiers

    M*A*S*H T.V. show premiers
    MASH is a tv show that depicts a medical hospital in Vietnam.
  • introduciton of the pocket calculator

    introduciton of the pocket calculator
  • beginnig of watergate scandal

    beginnig of watergate scandal
    one of the biggest presidential scandals in US history
  • Roe vs Wade

    Roe vs Wade
    Court case ligalizing abortion
  • Construction of the Sears Tower

    Construction of the Sears Tower
  • US troops pulled out of vietnam

    US troops pulled out of vietnam
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
  • Cambodian Genocied begins

    Cambodian Genocied begins
  • Tangshan Earthquake

    Tangshan Earthquake
    An earthquake in Tangashan kills 240,000 people.
  • Release of first Star Wars movie

    Release of first Star Wars movie
  • Elvis found dead

    Elvis found dead
  • Janestown Massacre

    Janestown Massacre
  • Nuclear Accident at Three miles Island

    Nuclear Accident at Three miles Island