70s 80s and 90s

  • Jimmy Carter Elected President

    Jimmy Carter Elected President
    He was elected president i dont know what more
  • Star Wars Movie Premier

    Star Wars Movie Premier
    The movie premerd
  • Three Mile Island Meltdown

    Three Mile Island Meltdown
    The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown of the Unit 2 reactor of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station
  • Mount. St. Helens Eruption

    Mount. St. Helens Eruption
    a series of volcanic explosions and pyroclastic flows began at Mount St. Helens in Skamania County, Washington
  • Iran Hostages Released

    Iran Hostages Released
    Iran released the original 52 hostages
  • Assassination Attempt on President Reagan

    Assassination Attempt on President Reagan
    Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded by John Hinckley Jr. in Washington, D.C
  • Iran/ Contra Affair

    Iran/ Contra Affair
    The Iran–Contra affair, often referred to as the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration.
  • Challenger Shuttle Explosion

    Challenger Shuttle Explosion
    the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    The Chernobyl disaster began on 26 April 1986 with the explosion of the No. 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
  • George H.W. Bush Elected President

    George H.W. Bush Elected President
    Again he gained presidentcy
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    At a press conference on 9 November, East German spokesman Günter Schabowski announced that East Germans would be free to travel into West Germany, starting immediately.
  • Original U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team

    Original U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team
    the first American Olympic team to feature active professional players from the NBA
  • Bill Clinton Elected President

    Bill Clinton Elected President
    He was elected
  • Rodney King Decision & L.A. Riots

    Rodney King Decision & L.A. Riots
    Rodney king was beat by cops after getting pulled over after a high speed chase insisting the LA riots
  • Launch of Google

    Launch of Google
    Google was founded by American computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin
  • Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives

    Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives
    The second president to be impeached after the "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Situation
  • World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks

    World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks
    Al Queda Attacks the USA during September 11th 2001