7000 BC

  • 7000 BCE

    7000 BC

    7000 BC
    Sumer civilization
    City State
  • 2000 BCE

    2000 BC

    2000 BC
    Hebrews appeared in S.W. Asia
    Abraham leaves Mesopotamia and settles in Canaan
  • 1200 BCE

    1200 BC

    1200 BC
    Moses is a Hebrew
    God tells Moses to lead his people out of Egypt to return to Canaan
    Moses receives the Ten Commandments on mount Sia
    We follow the Ten Commandments.
    Jews believe in God
  • 586 BCE

    586 BC

    586 BC
    Judah lasted until 586 BC
    Invaders captured Jerusalem and destroyed Somalians temple
  • 1 CE

    1 AD

    1 AD
    Jesus was born
  • 33

    33 AD

    33 AD
    Jesus was Crucified and then after his death was Resurrected
  • 476

    476 AD

    476 AD
    Rome Falls
  • 565

    565 AD

    565 AD
    Justinain Dies
    The Eastern empire declines