70's Timeline

  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    Senator Gaylord Nelson felt that everyone needed to take care of earth, so he started Earth Day to demonstrate for environmental protection.
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    Ohio National Guard invades Kent State University and kills 4 students who supported the Cambodian Campaign.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    When a break-in occurs at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, five men (who were believed to be connected with Rihard Nixon) are arrested and President Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment.
  • Munich Games

    Munich Games
    The 1972 Summer Olympics were held in Munich, West Germany, but were overlooked because of the Munich Massacre on September 5, 1972.
  • Operation Homecoming

    Operation Homecoming
    Operation Homecoming was a negotiation that allowed 591 American prisoners of war to be released from North Vietnam.
  • Resignation of Richard Nixon

    Resignation of Richard Nixon
    To avoid being impeached due to the Watergate scandal and conspiracy, Richard Nixon resigns from office; he is the only president to resign.
  • Assassination Attempts on Gerald Ford

    Assassination Attempts on Gerald Ford
    Sarah Jane Moore attempted to shoot President Ford in San Fransisco 17 days after Lynnette Fromme's assassination attempt.
  • Roots: The Miniseries

    Roots: The Miniseries
    "Roots" was a television series, airing from January 23-30, 1977, based on Alex Haley's "Roots: The Saga of an American Family" about a young African who is enslaved and sent to the US.

    "Star Wars" is an epic sapce opera film, written and directed by George Lucas, that earned $775 million due to its popularity and awesomeness.
  • Elvis Presley Found Dead

    Elvis Presley Found Dead
    Elvis Presley was found dead, due to (supposedly) cardiac arrhythmia, in his bathroom at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Pope John Paul II

    Pope John Paul II
    Pope John Paul II, born Karol Józef Wojtyla, made history by becoming the first non-Italian pope in 400+ years.
  • Three Mile Island Accident

    Three Mile Island Accident
    In Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a nuclear accident occured in one of the two nuclear reactors that was rated a five on a seven-point International Nuclear Event Scale.
  • Margaret Thatcher Becomes Prime Minister

    Margaret Thatcher Becomes Prime Minister
    In 1979, Margaret Thatcher made history when she became the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    For 444 days, sixty-six Americans were held hostage in Iran after a group of Iranian students took over Tehran's US Embassy.