70's 80's 90's 00's timeline

  • Jimmy Carter Elected President

    Jimmy Carter Elected President
    A candidate not known much outside of Georgia won the Democratic nomination in 1976
  • Star Wars Movie Premier

    Star Wars Movie Premier
    Known as the birthdate of one of the most popular movies ever made.
  • Assassination Attempt on President Reagan

    Assassination Attempt on President Reagan
    President Regan was wounded by John Hickley Jr. in Washington DC.
  • Iran Hostages Released

    Iran Hostages Released
    52 people were held captive in Iran for 444 days. they were released just a few hours after President Reagan took the oath of office.
  • Three Mile Island Meltdown

    Three Mile Island Meltdown
    The nuclear meltdown of the unit 2 reactor in Pensylvania.
  • Mount. St. Helens Eruption

    Mount. St. Helens Eruption
    A series of volcanic eruptions happened on Mount. St. Helens in Washington.
  • Iran/ Contra Affair

    Iran/ Contra Affair
    The Iran/Contra affair was a political affair in the US during the Kennedy administration.
  • Challenger Shuttle Explosion

    Challenger Shuttle Explosion
    The space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into its flight, killing all 7 of the members aboard it.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    Explosion of the number 4 reactor of the power plant.
  • George H.W. Bush Elected President

    George H.W. Bush Elected President
    A Republican candidate from Texas who was also vice president for Ronald Reagan.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was declared to be deconstructed on November 09, 1989. it separated East Berlin from the German Dominican Republic.
  • Bill Clinton Elected President

    Bill Clinton Elected President
    Clinton won the 1992 presidential election to George H. W. Bush.
  • Start of the Persian Gulf War

    Start of the Persian Gulf War
    Also known as Operation Desert Storm or the first Gulf War began in 1991 after the president of Iraq ordered an invasion.
  • Original U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team

    Original U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team
    The first American Olympic basketball team to feature active players.
  • Rodney King Decision & L.A. Riots

    Rodney King Decision & L.A. Riots
    4 policemen assaulted and beat Rodney King in LA.
  • Launch of Google

    Launch of Google
    Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
  • Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives

    Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives
    Bill Clinton was the second president to be formally impeached, he was impeached due to obstruction of justice and perjury.
  • World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks

    World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks
    The world trade center was attacked and struck by a airplane and later collapsed and the pentagon was also attacked.