70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s Timeline

  • Jimmy Carter Elected President

    Jimmy Carter Elected President
    Carter narrowly won the election against Gerald Ford
  • Star Wars Movie Premier

    Star Wars Movie Premier
    First time Star Wars was premiered
  • Three Mile Island Meltdown

    Three Mile Island Meltdown
    A partial nuclear meltdown of the Second Reactor
  • Mount. St. Helens Eruption

    Mount. St. Helens Eruption
    Major Explosion of Mount. St. Helens
  • Iran Hostages Released

    Iran Hostages Released
    In 1981, Iran released 52 hostages because it would be worse to have them than give them back.
  • Assassination Attempt on President Reagan

    Assassination Attempt on President Reagan
    John Hinkley shot Reagan but he lived
  • Iran/ Contra Affair

    Iran/ Contra Affair
  • Challenger Shuttle Explosion

    Challenger Shuttle Explosion
    The shuttle broke apart killing 7 crew members
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

    Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    The 4th Reactor had an incident and made the entire town a ghost town.
  • George H.W. Bush Elected President

    George H.W. Bush Elected President
    George H.W. Bush defeated John Kerry and became president
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
  • Start of the Persian Gulf War

    Start of the Persian Gulf War
    War started from Iraqs invasion of Kuwait
  • Original U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team

    The infamous team that Michael Jordan, and Larry Bird featured.
  • Bill Clinton Elected President

    Bill Clinton Elected President
  • Launch of Google

    Launch of Google
    Larry Paige and Sergey Brin founded Google
  • Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives

    Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives
    Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges
  • World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks

    World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks
    Multiple planes from a terrorist organization were capsized and taken control of and used to create the world's most memorable terrorist attack.