Struggle for Ohio Valley
What Happened The Nativves, the French Camadians, and the British all wanted the Ohio valley because their was beavers, wood and lots of wild life for food. Effect This was how the 7 years of war started. It got the French and the British mad at each other. Who Won French -
Kicking out the Acadians
What Happened The British Kicked the Acadians of what is now called Nova Scotia. They all spread around the world some went back to Europe. Effect It gave the British land and now they feel more confident and because of this the Acadians are spread around the world. Who Won British -
The Siege of Quebec
What Happened The people of Quebec are running out of food and water. The French have had cannons shot aat them of 9 weeks morning noon and evening. The French refused to surrender Effect The poeple that were in their basements went to fight in the Attack of the Pains of Abraham. Who Won British -
German Flats
What Happened There were 300 troops 50 were killed, 150 woman and children were taken away. Effect It got the British demotivated and they later on had to request for more troops. Who Won French -
British are Losing
What Happened Montcalm won to major battles and also took to of the english forts. The British decide to launch 3 offensive's in there
colonies. Effect This made the Brits put more effort and resources into battles and make them make more tactics. Who Won French -
The Siege of Louisbourg
What Happened The British sent 14 000 men to fight. The French are trying to hold up till spring untill because the ocean freezes in the winter and by then their reinforcements will come so they and fight with them. The siege was 2 months long. Effect The french troop number lowered and Montcalm had to send for help later on Who Won British -
Montcalm Sends for help
What Happened Montcalm send for help. He asks for 4000 troops before the britishs come. The french only send him 400!! Effect This effected the French because he does not have enough troops for war and the viilagers have to go to war aswell. Who Won British -
First invasion by British at lac Champlain
What Happened The British sent reinforcements and planned to attack Fort Beausejour, and lakes at Lake Champlain and Fort Duque on the Ohio river. The British have 16,000 they outnumber the french 4 to 1, but the French are ready and their snipers pin the Brits down, until they retreat. Effect The French feel very confident and think they are going to win Who Won French -
The River of Fire
What Happened The French make there first move. They attach a whole row of boats and set to hit the british navy ships but the boat fire burned out and they british navy survived. Effect It got the British thinking the French are stupid they feel very confident but they still didn't underthink the French Who Won British -
British Attack the Beaupre shore
What Happened The French are waiting in their trenches for the brits. they beat them quite badly. they are now not afraid of Wolfe. Wolfe is now humiliated. 4000 brits are dead. Effect The French are now over confident. Wolfe is like nothing to them. They might make poor decisions. -
The Attack on the Plains of Abraham
What Happened Wolfe leading troops up the steep cliffs to try and take the city. Wolfe is stuck between 2 armies. Montcalm's troops do not wait for reinforcements, They attack, their attack disorganized the Brits beat them badly, 5 days later and French give up and surrender. Effect It made the French sign a treaty because of the result of this war. Who Won British -
Treaty of Paris
What Happened The Brtish won and they make the french an aggrement to keep them as catholic and not burn down there churches and they can keep there land but the British keep the land. Effect This marked the era of the British outside of Europe. Who Won British