
The Seven Stages of Man by Teira Evans

  • Infant- newborn

    Infant- newborn
    During the infants time of life, this is where infants learn how to crawl, talk, walk, count, and say their ABC's.
  • SchoolBoy (Childhood)- 1st grade, 8 years old

    SchoolBoy (Childhood)- 1st grade, 8 years old
    In the schoolboy part of life, this child is probbly like other kids go to school, learn, have friends, in elementary school, and playing hide and seek at recess.
  • Lover- Teen, 16 years old

    Lover- Teen, 16 years old
    In this stage of life, the kid might think their grown and they can go stuff on their own and they don't need parents.This is the stage where you child because a young adult and becomes responsible for somethings.
  • Solider 20's- 25 years old

    Solider 20's- 25 years old
    This is the stage when you don't really see your child because she/he in probably in college.
  • Justice 30's-50's - 46 years old

    Justice 30's-50's - 46 years old
    This is the stage where she/he probably has children, has a job, probably an husband, and lives in a nice house.
  • Old Age (Grandparent) - 72 years old

    Old Age (Grandparent) - 72 years old
    This is the stage where she/he is an grandmother/grandfather. Their mother and father probably has passed away. They probably give their grandchildren whatever they want and look out for their kids.
  • Sans (Death) - 98 years old

    Sans (Death) - 98 years old
    This is the stage where all of her/his loved ones say goodbye forever.