Screenshot 2017 04 04 at 3.17.46 pm

7 modern wonders of the world -GEROND KORKUT !!!!!!

By pwikman
  • 70

    The Colleseum

    The Colleseum
    The Colleseum was a battle arena for PRISONERS . if the prisoners beat the champion, they would become a champion.
  • The Pyramid's

    The Pyramid's
    The egyiptian's made a village out of sand for shelter and rememberence for people years later to study them. Plus they made a fort of sand for some reason.
  • Petra

    It was underground, and it was very old and people used to live there more than one hundred years ago.
  • The Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall of China
    The wall is VERY big, and the wall used more than 100,000,000 bricks to build it.
  • The Taj Mahal

    The Taj Mahal
    The Taj Mahal was made of marble, and the name TAJ MAHAL was a Greek word.
  • Christ Of the Redeemer

    Christ Of the Redeemer
    The Christ the Redeemer was a stachu built in 1922 - 1931 built by the Brazillian.
  • Muchu pichu

    Muchu pichu