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7-9 Timeline

  • 753 BCE

    Rome is Founded

    Rome is Founded
    The city of Rome is founded in an area of central Itlay that is easily definable and close to a ford on the Tibur river that allows those who wish to trade or do business to gain access to Rome easily. This will allow Rome to become a center for not only trade but a massive empire in the future.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE

    Rome is Ruled by the Etruscans

    The city of Rome was under the control of the Etruscans which was a monarch until 509 BCE. The Etruscans actively traded with the Greeks allowing Rome to pick up many of the ideas they would later adopt and change to fit their new form of government.
  • 509 BCE

    The Roman Republic is Born

    The Roman Republic is Born
    The city of Rome gains independence from the Etruscans and forms a republican form of government that would spread far across the Mediterranian sea and become a military power for centuries
  • 494 BCE

    The Plebeians Gain Some Power

    The Plebeians Gain Some Power
    After years of struggle amongst classes, the plebians threatened to leave Rome so they were given a voice within the republic through the Plebian Assembly allowed most Romans the ability to participate in the republic.
  • 287 BCE

    The Plebeian Assembly Gains the Power to Create Laws

    The Plebeian Assembly Gains the Power to Create Laws
    The Plebeian Assembly gains the power to create laws allowing for the most Romans to have a say within the Roman government allowing to have more power within the republic allowing more citizens to be able to influence the law creation process.
  • 146 BCE

    Carthage is Defeated by Rome

    Carthage is Defeated by Rome
    Rome conquers and defeats Carthage giving them more power and influence within the Mediterranean moving them further towards becoming an empire by seeing the power of dictators that could possibly be appointed.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Ceaser is Assassinated by Senators

    Julius Ceaser is Assassinated by Senators
    Julius Ceaser was feared by many senators within the republic because of how his soldiers were loyal to him and not the republic itself. By assassinating him the senators who wished to save the republic set it on course to be an empire.
  • 43 BCE

    The Second Triumvirate is Established

    The Second Triumvirate is Established
    The second triumvirate is established with Octavian Julius Ceaser's great-nephew and begins to establish the Roman Empire he is also known as Augustus. He defeats Mark Antony a form ally for attempting to undermine him.
  • 23 BCE

    Augustus Declares Himself Consul for Life

    Augustus Declares Himself Consul for Life
    Augustus declares himself consul for life further establishing the once republic into a large Empire further moving Rome into another era of ruling much different from the republic.
  • 235

    Severus Alexander Dies

    Severus Alexander Dies
    Severus Alexander one of the last emperors to rule the Roman Empire at its peak dies and leaves much of the empire in shambles furthering it towards its eventual weakening and eventual collapse.