Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal relationship refers to individuals with similar tastes and mindsets entering into an association. Individuals who share identical goals and interests enter into an interpersonal relationship. It is essential for individuals in a relationship to get along well(7.2 pg 5). -
Several Different Factors
Two individuals in a relationship must be compatible with each other. There should be no scope of conflicts and misunderstandings
in a relationship. Individuals from similar backgrounds
and similar goals in life do extremely well in relationships.
People with different aims, attitudes, thought processes
find it difficult to adjust and hence struggle to carry the relationship
to the next level(7.2 pg 5). -
Communication plays a pivotal role in all types of relationships
whether it is personal or professional. Feelings must be
expressed and reciprocated in relationships. Individuals need
to communicate with each other effectively for better understanding.
Do not stay quiet as it leads to problems and misunderstandings.
Two people in love must interact with each other on a regular basis through various modes of communication
such as telephone, emails, letters(7.2 pg 6) -
Honest and Forgiveness
Be honest in relationships. Do not lie or hide things from your
partner. Remember every problem has a solution. Think before
you speak. Transparency is important in relationships.
An individual needs to be a little more forgiving in relationships.
Do not drag issues unnecessarily. Fighting over small
issues is foolish and makes the situation all the more worse -
I haven't been in a long term relationship and I don't know anyone that has well enough to talk about them. But if I was in a long term relationship one of the first things we would have to understand is our trust and honesty, because it seems like most of the break ups and stuff like that all start with trust and if we can go through those several different factors then, there won't be any problems with our relationship.