Growth mindsent pic


  • Have a clear direction/draft ideas0

    Exploring growth mindset
  • Discussion with MT - about observing classess

    Outcome of discussion: I will be observing ILE class (room 21)
  • Source literature

    • Proquest
    • Google scholar
    • ERIC
  • Complete/ finalise project plan

    Work on feedback from TE
  • Create online ‘notebook’

  • Evaluate literature

    Identify most important parts for focus
  • Observe senior/middle/junior class

    Identify how growth mindset differs throughout the year levels
  • Project plan proposal due

  • Discussion with teachers

    How do they how they implement growth mindset values into their everyday classroom?
  • How does this look in different subjects?

    Observe integration of growth mindset in different subjects
  • Evaluate more closely

    How do my observations compare to literature?
  • Learner perspective - impacts

    Observe from learner perspective (how would I feel?)
  • Check online notebook is up to date

    Evaluate information so far - put ‘take aways’ from observations/artefacts/discussions in to online notebook
  • Construction of report structure

    headings for each paragraph
  • Seek literature - ongoing

  • Check online notebook is up to date

    Evaluate information so far - put ‘take aways’ from observations/artefacts/discussions in to online notebook
  • Continue to access literature

  • Continue writing draft of report

  • Trip to recommended teacher at Puketapu

  • Start to think about leaflet

    How is it going to look?
  • Collect artefacts

  • Continue constructing report

    (Pedagogy and practice, personal-professional development)
  • Continue to collect artefacts

  • Putting information on leaflet

  • Finalise artefacts in notebook

  • Evaluate myself as a teacher and a learner

    (part of report)
  • Continuing working on leaflet

  • Finalise leaflet

  • Edit/finalise report