6th hour Kaleb Williams timeline

  • Independence for El Salvador

    Independence for El Salvador
    El Salvador gained its independence from Spain and is celebrated every year.
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    Wars Between Other Countries

    El Salvador was in many revolutions and wars with its surrounding countries was led by military dictatorship
  • The "Football War"

    The "Football War"
    The football war is named that because it broke out during a football game between the two countries
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    The Civil War

    There was a civil war lasting 12 years. Over 75 thousand people died during this war.
  • Hurricane Mitch

    Hurricane Mitch was a devastating disaster killing 200 people and leaving 30,000 homeless.
  • Crime Rate Decreased

    Crime Rate Decreased
    In El Salvador there was a gang truce witch lead to 40% decrease in crime rate.
  • New president

    New president
    Antonio Saca Became the new president of el Salvador
  • Free Trade Agreement

    Free Trade Agreement
    El Salvador Implemented a free trade agreement with the US, the first central American country to do so.