Stage 1 - Concept
Initial working layout & templates
Initial Top level Navigation
Content Management Frame Work -
Stage 2 - Information Gathering and Organising
Information from Finley Structures per section these include: (P signifies initially it will have its own page/section, but will be expended to sub-categories if quantity of information requires it) Steelwork Fabrication (P)
Cutting (P)Painting (P)
Steelwork Erection (P)
Decking (P)
Stud Welding (P)
Crane hire (P)
Design services (P)
Drawing services (P)
Secondary steelwork (P)
Ordering bolts (P)
Ordering raw steel (P)
Portal frame quote builder (?)
Pictures and Explanations -
Stage 3 - Creating Content
Copy Editing (including SEO copy editing) Populating site with Text and Image Content Graphic Design (Image Manipulation etc.) Flash Movie Creation (Stru Walk, Plant process etc.) Misc. Flash/Graphic Elements Re-assess Top level Navigation until satisfactory. Introduce second and third level navigation (where necessary) -
Stage 4 Testing and Adjustments
This will require testing to meet standards (by default we use XHTML 1.0 STRICT and CSS 2.0) Every page will be tested on each leading browser, including Internet Explorer versions 8,7,6 & 5, Firefox, Safari and Opera. -
Stage 5 - Going Live
Upon satisfactory completion of website, it will take approx 24hours to switch from development server to working domain. We will submit necessary site maps and information to Google, Dmoz and other relevant search engines. Statistics will begin tracking data. After 3 weeks we will assess the statistics to see if there is room for improvement or targeting more specific areas.