68 Movements

  • Period: to

    USA Economic Boom

    Wages went up in USA.
  • Period: to

    Women's liberation movement

    There was a movement promoting equality; feminism.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    “I have a dream” Martin Luther King Jr., human rights march.
  • Pierre Trudeau

    Pierre Trudeau
    Pierre Trudeau became Prime Minister of Canada.
  • Paris Student Riots

    Paris Student Riots
    Bloody Monday. The national student union and the union of university teachers called a march to protest against the police invasion of Sorbonne.
  • Student Revolt in Germany

    Student Revolt in Germany
    Students protest for a new society and government.
  • Matanza de Tlatelolco

    Matanza de Tlatelolco
    Peaceful student march ended up in massacre in Mexico City
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    Richard Nixon became president: The Republican party won over the democratic party.
  • Willy Brandt

    Willy Brandt
    Change from Christian to Socialist power, Willy Brandt became chancellor
  • Olympics 1968

    Olympics 1968
    International boom of Mexico to the World during the Olympics of 1968