The blue-print was invented in 1840 by John Herschel using a mixture of ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide to produce a pare that is light sensitive. It was popular among amateurs in the nineteenth century because it was relatively simple and required no development or fixing, just washing. It has also been used my engineers as well as architects for technical drawings. -
Saftey Pin
The Saftey Pin was invented by Walter Huntt when he was twisting a piece of wire and trying to think of a way to pay off a fifteen dollar debt. Walter's sftey pin was one piece of wire coiled into a spring at one end and had a clsp on the other end. His first pin allowed the point of the wire to be hidden inside the clasp. Hunt claimed it was to keep fingers safe from the pointy end. Walter, later, sold his patent rights to the man he owed mone to, for four hundred dollars. -
Manned Glider
George Cayley's design was made up of a large monowing in the front along with a small tail wing and vertical stablizer. Also his design included "Flappers." His first and smaller design was flown by an unnamed 10 yr. old boy. He later designed a larger one that was flown by his butler. The flight consisted of him flyin over Brompton Dale. -
Sewing Machine
Isaac Merrit Singer was a German immigrant who improved upon the already existing sewing machine. Singer made a sewing machine not just for industry, but also for home use. -
Rotary Washing Machine
In 1858, Hamilton Smith patented the rotary washing machine. This washing machine was a step up to its predeccesor, the King washing machines. Both machines featured circular drums, but Smith's was automatic, instead of hand powered. -
Ironclad, Turtle Ship
The Japanese attempted invasion, so, the Korean Naval designed a ship to defend themselves. The dragon head was large enough for a cannon to fit inside. It also had many spikes and cannons on all flanks to make it even stronger and harder to get onto. Early versions of the turtle ship would burn poisonous materials in the dragons head to release a poisonous smoke. It was designed to help the Korean Naval defend their lands.