Brith Date
This was the day that I was born and weighed in at 6 pounds even, at 12:01 p.m. I was born in Asheville North Carolina at Mission Hospital. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=191378 -
Period: to
My Life
Trip to Jamaica
This was this day that my family, including my 2 other sisters and my mom and dad and I packed and directecly to Jamiaca to enjoy a family vacation. http://www.turisvision.com/fotos/Jamaica.JPG -
New Horse
This was the day that my family and I got our first horse. http://www.in70mm.com/news/2004/lfca/images/young_black_stallion.jpg -
Joined a New Church
This the day that my family and I joined Long's Chapel United Methodist Church as members. http://berkeleyheritage.com/berkeley_landmarks/images/westminster/geddes.church.design.jpg -
New House
This is the day that I got to stay home from school and watch my new modular house be assembled. http://www.carolinacountryhomes.com/images/modular/modular_3.jpg -
Started Playing Tennis
This was the day that I frist started to play tennis with my family. http://comp.uark.edu/~tennis/tennis%20balls.jpg -
Graduated 5th Grade
This was my last day at Elementary School and it was also when I graduted 5th grade. http://fvhs.wcpss.net/images/graduation_cap.jpg -
This is the day that I was baptized as a Christian in the waters of Lake Junaluska. http://newharvestcordele.org/share/mod_gallery/115.jpg -
Turned 13
This was the d,ay that I turned 13 and was officially a teenager. http://www.pinkcakebox.com/images/cake989.jpg -
Started 8th Grade
This was my first day of 8th grade at Canton Middle School. http://greenchiropractic.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/school_bus.22465455_std.gif