Birth Date
I was born in Canton NC at Mission Hospital by Dr. Cobb; I weighed 7lbs 3oz. http://www.thepotteryandcraftstudio.com/UserFiles/Image/thepotteryandcraftstudio/Baby%20Its%20a%20Girl.jpg -
First Day of Church
I attended my first day of church at East Canton Baptist Church
I interrupted the whole service because i couldn't stop crying. http://gospelgifs.com/clips/clipz3/images/redbibl.gif -
1st Football Game
I attended my first PISGAH football game. http://www.ncprepreport.com/images/teams/Pisgah.gif -
First Steps
My Mom told me that i took my first steps on my 1st Birthday. She said that she never thought that i would walk. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3191/3376731632_7f8a3dab67_b.jpg -
1st day of Kindergarten i had Mrs.Singleton, I went to North Canton Elementary School. http://nccsc.k12.in.us/perduec/schoolhouse.jpg -
William Caleb Bradford
My little brother Caleb was also born at Mission Hospital by Dr. Cobb. He weighed 8lbs 3oz. http://dryicons.com/files/graphics_previews/its_a_boy_greeting.jpg -
I got Saved
I was attending Allens Creek Baptist Church and we were having Vaction Bible School. I told Pastor Eddie Dietz that i needed to be saved. He prayed with me and gave me a huge hug. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/images/hands-praying.gif -
1st Homerun
I hit my first homerun, the ball flew almost all the way to the fence. I was so happy and so were my parents. After the game they took me to Pizza Hut and then to get Ice Cream. http://www.elkcitygirlssoftball.com/assets/softball_bat_glove_ball_homeplate.jpg -
Citizenship Award
I was given Best Citizenship award in the 4th grade. My teacher was Mrs.Pitts http://www.successcertificates.com/wp-content/uploads/image/certificate_images/citizenship10001.jpg -
George Strait Concert
I went to my first concert ever. Jullian Hugh and Blake Shelton were the opening acts. They did great, then my favorite George Striat sang he was AMAZING best concert ever. http://images.blastro.com/images/artist_images/full/full_george_strait_artist_photo1.jpg -
Dad becomes a Pastor
My dad was asked to be the pastor of Crossroad Missionary Baptist Church in Clyde, NC http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.clipartheaven.com/clipart/religion/ceremonies_%26_prayer/church.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.clipartheaven.com/show/clipart/religion/ceremonies_%26_prayer/church-gif.html&usg=__NnOLIizWrkmSftOhDsiGz7OlKXA=&h=362&w=490&sz=6&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=zyoBimbAIjCLUM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=176&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchurch%2Bclip%2Bart%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1024%26bi -
I rode the Knee Board
I road a kneeboard for the first time at Lake Chutuga. My Papaw drove me on his Pontune boat it was great. I feel off 5 times before i got up on my knees. http://www.milde.com.au/images/products/20100609123141.jpg -
8th Grade
I started 8th grade. I have Mr.Simmons, Mrs Margiotta, Mrs. Bryant and Mr. Barkett. I think it's goging to be a good year http://www.ece.ucsb.edu/~parhami/images_folder/books.jpg