650-1750 A.D. significant events

By danul83
  • Period: Jan 1, 650 to

    The period from the ancient to the modern world

  • Period: Jan 1, 710 to

    Japan's History 710-1870 A.D.

    History of Japan between 710-1870 A.D.
  • Jul 31, 1066

    William the Conquerer takes England

    William the
    Conqueror leads
    a Norman army to
    defeat the AngloSaxons and win
    control of England
  • Jan 1, 1095

    First Crusade

    European Christians
    begin the First
    Crusade—a military
    expedition to reclaim
    the city of Jerusalem
    from Muslims. There
    were another seven
    Crusades over the
    next 200 years.
  • Jan 1, 1140

    Khmer King Suryavarman II starts building the Angkor Wat temple

    Khmer King
    Suryavarman II
    starts building the
    Angkor Wat temple
    in today’s Cambodia.
  • Jan 1, 1185

    Japan comes under the rule of its first shogun

    Japan comes under the
    rule of its first shogun
    (a military leader);
    shoguns rule Japan
    for the next 400 years
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Genghis Khan unites Mongol tribes.

    Genghis Khan
    unites Mongol tribes
    for the first time
  • Jan 1, 1260

    Kublai Khan Becomes Mongol leader

    Kublai Khan (grandson of
    Genghis Khan) is declared
    ‘Great Khan’ and becomes
    a powerful Mongol leader
  • Jan 1, 1278

    The Mongols take over China

    Under the leadership of Kublai Kahn, the Mongols defeat the Sung Dynasty in
    China and set up the Yuan Dynasty. For the i rst time, China is ruled by foreigners
  • Jan 1, 1299

    The Ottoman Empire founded under the rule of Osman I

    Osman founds the Ottoman Empire
  • Aug 26, 1346

    Battle of Crecy

    The English are led by King Edward III and kill 1,500 French troops at the Battle of Crecy using the latest in ranged technology, the Welsh Longbow, while suffering less than 100 casualties themselves.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Black Death hits Europe

    First evidence in Europe
    of the outbreak of the
    pandemic known as the
    Black Death
  • Jan 1, 1427

    Aztec Empire founded in central Mexico

    Aztec Empire
    founded in central
  • Jan 1, 1441

    First African Slaves

    First documented black African slaves imported into Europe
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas

    Italian explorer Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas
  • Feb 29, 1504

    Columbus Plays God with Jamaicans

    Columbus is shipwrecked on Jamaica and the natives refuse to supply him with food. Columbus, after consulting his almanac, tells the Jamaicans that God is displeased with them and He will blot out the moon in three days. The eclipse does occur and the locals energetically resupply Columbus.
  • Jul 31, 1521

    Spanish forces destroy the Aztec Empire

    Spanish forces
    destroy the
    Aztec Empire in
    central America
  • American indigenous take revenge with...tobacco?

    Thomas Hariot first writes about an amazing herbal remedy that the american indigenous people have shown him called tobacco. In effect, this became their revenge for slavery etc., as the tobacco has killed and still does kill many people.
  • Guns outlawed in Japan

    In 1575 Japan two armies met. The side with guns wins for the first time, yet by mutual agreement, guns are outlawed 100 years later.
  • Emperor Charlemagne founds the Holy Roman Empire

    founds the Holy
    Roman Empire; he
    was the greatest
    ruler of Western
    Europe during the
    Middle Ages
  • Vikings first attack England

    Vikings first attack England,
    which would continue for 200 years, during which the english would become a little frightened...too say the least
  • Angkor/Khmer Empire founded by King Jayavarman II

    Under his leadership,
    the Khmers adopted