Kootenai Indian Woman
Kootenai Indian woman with a wife carried messages between fur traders in Idaho -
Sodomy becomes illegal in Idaho
The IDaho Territorial Legislature akes sodomy illegal, punishable by no less than five years in prison -
Dr. Alan Hart
Led Idaho's public health crusade against tuberculosis and was a transgendered individual -
Boys of Boise
Became a witch hunt and pollice began arresting men whose crime was having consensual sex with other adult males -
Public worship service
Gays organize a Boise congregation of the Metropolitan Community Church and hold their first public worship service. -
Democratic Party (national)
the Democratic Party adds gay rights to its political platform -
Boise organizations
Several Boise gay and lesbian organizations are born -- Community Center (Hyde Park) -
AIDS in Idaho
The first case of AIDS is reported in Idaho -- Newsweek writes that support for legal protection for gays is "politically hazardous in the AIDS-altered climate" of the period. -
Jerry Sweat
Jerry Sweat - who worked to educate Boiseans about AIDS - becomes the first Idahoan to die from the virus -
Gay Pride Parade
First Boie Gay Pride Parade -- many people make masks to wear on the streets - some say they fear marchers will be shot -
Human Rights Activists Beaten
Jen ray and Mary rohlfing are beaten in Stanley by a man wearing a Halloween mask. The local sheriff loses key pieces of evidence and no one is ever arrested for the hate crime. -
Meridian School Teachers
Meridian school teachers were suspended, then reinstated with back pay, after allowing a group of lesbians to appear before a class to speak about lesbian parenting. -
1993 Legislation
Kelly Walton lead an Idaho initiative to grant homosexuals in Idaho protection from discrimination in housing and employment -
Prop. One Defeated
Defeated by a few thouand votes in statewide election. The law would have censored chool teachers and libraries and made it illegal to protect gays and lesbians from employment and housing discrimination. -
A resolution to include sexual orientation in Boise State University's anti-discrimination statement passes the student Senate. -
James DuToit
becomes the firt openly gay man to run for Boie City Council -
Malicious Harasment Law
The Idaho legislature votes against a bill that would include sexual orientation in Idaho's malicious harassment law. -
Sodomy Laws
The US Supreme Court votes 6-3 that sodomy laws are unconstitutional. At this time, Idaho is one of thirteen states that still has anti-sodomy laws on its books. -
Nicole LeFavour
Nicole LeFavour is voted to represent Idaho's District 19 in the State Legislature. LeFavour is Idaho's first openly gay representative. -
Heterosexuals Only
Gay and lesbian acivists plastered the state capital with 170 stickers that read "HETEROSEXUAL ONLY" -
H.J.R. 2 Passes
H.J.R.2 passes in Idaho - same-sex unions are banned