History of web 2.0 in the U.S. federal government

  • NASA announces first Centennial Challenge incentive prize competition

    NASA announces first Centennial Challenge incentive prize competition
  • U.S. Intelligence community launches Intellipedia internal wiki

    U.S. Intelligence community launches Intellipedia internal wiki
  • US Geological Survey updates public about earthquakes via Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds

    US Geological Survey updates public about earthquakes via Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds
  • NOAA creates simulations (like a tsunami demo) in Second Life virtual world

    NOAA creates simulations (like a tsunami demo) in Second Life virtual world
  • OMB launches wiki

    OMB launches wiki
    Office of Management and Budget uses Wiki to track earmarks (13,496 collected). Wiki eventually becomes OMB MAX Federal community<b> Washington Post article<b> OMB Max community
  • U.S. government channel created on YouTube, puts all government channels in one place

    U.S. government channel created on YouTube, puts all government channels in one place
  • Library of Congress becomes part of small group of government agencies with a blog

    Library of Congress becomes part of small group of government agencies with a blog
  • TSA Idea Factory launches

    TSA Idea Factory launches
    Idea Factory at Collaboration ProjectTransportation Security Administration's IdeaFactory gathers 4,500 security ideas from staff, 20 of which are implemented at the national level
  • HHS launches 5-week blog to discuss pandemic flu

    HHS launches 5-week blog to discuss pandemic flu
    Health and Human Services uses Pandemic Flu Leadership Blog to discuss flu on national level<p>
    First blog post<p> <a href='http://www.govtech.com/gt/123185?topic=117677' >News story</a
  • NASA creates virtual rockets, space stations in Second Life

    NASA creates virtual rockets, space stations in Second Life
  • Womenshealth.gov becomes the first federal agency on Twitter

    Womenshealth.gov becomes the first federal agency on Twitter
  • Peer to Patent: Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) opened the patent examination process for online public participation

    Peer to Patent: Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) opened the patent examination process for online public participation
    About Page
    <b> Collaboration Project overview<b> U.S. government examines "Peer to patent" program, using public participation in patent examination - gets 30,000+ visitors in 126 countries
  • EPA creates Flow of the River blog (later renamed "Greenversations")

    EPA creates Flow of the River blog (later renamed "Greenversations")
  • HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt launches blog

    HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt launches blog
  • DHS launches Leadership Journal blog

    DHS launches Leadership Journal blog
    Secretary Michael Chertoff launches Homeland Security's Leadership Journal blog. Early topic: "Privacy is not dead"<b> First post (scroll down)
  • US Army joins Twitter

    US Army joins Twitter
  • Official State Department blog launches (DIPNOTE)

    Official State Department blog launches (DIPNOTE)
  • General Services Administration launches GovGab, a daily blog about government resources

    General Services Administration launches GovGab, a daily blog about government resources
  • EPA launches wiki and "mashup team" for Puget Sound Information Challenge

    EPA launches wiki and "mashup team" for  Puget Sound Information Challenge
  • Department of Defense's "driverless vehicle" challenge offers $3.5 million in prizes

    Department of Defense's "driverless vehicle" challenge offers $3.5 million in prizes
  • Library of Congress uses Flickr to crowdsource organization of photo archives

    Library of Congress uses Flickr to crowdsource organization of photo archives
  • NASA launches challenges at the Rice Business Plan competition

    NASA launches challenges at the Rice Business Plan competition
  • Transportation Security Administration's blog "Delete-o-Meter" publicly shows number of deleted posts

    Transportation Security Administration's blog "Delete-o-Meter" publicly shows number of deleted posts
  • TSA publicly clears MacBook Air for airport travel

    TSA publicly clears MacBook Air for airport travel
    TSA blog post for Macbook Air
    Transportation Security Administration's "Blogger Bob" publicly clears the MacBook Air for airport travel after reading about screening issues in the blogosphere. He will later do the same with the iPad.
  • @gobiernousa tweets in Spanish

    @gobiernousa tweets in Spanish
  • GovLoop community founded by DHS employee Steve Ressler

    GovLoop community founded by DHS employee Steve Ressler
    Wikipedia entry
    Online community built off of the Ning platform. In September 2009 GovLoop was acquired by GovDelivery, a government communications firm in St. Paul, Minnesota, whereupon Ressler left government employment.
  • Department of Defense's Techipedia beta joins other Gov wikis

    Department of Defense's Techipedia beta joins other Gov wikis
    Collaboration Project page
    Officially launches October 1, 2008.
  • CDC actively teaching about health education in Second Life

    CDC actively teaching about health education in Second Life
  • Coast Guard announces multi-channel social media initiative

    Coast Guard announces multi-channel social media initiative
  • Homeland Security sends Hurricane Ike and Gustav response information through MySpace, widgets

    Homeland Security sends Hurricane Ike and Gustav response information through MySpace, widgets
  • FBI creates Bureaupedia wiki

    FBI creates Bureaupedia wiki
  • @CDCFlu launches on Twitter and gets over 30,000 followers in a week.

    @CDCFlu launches on Twitter and gets over 30,000 followers in a week.
  • DC government launches Apps for Democracy contest

    DC government launches Apps for Democracy contest
    iStrategyLabs ROI press release47 applications were built in 30 days, with estimated Return on Investment (ROI) of 4,000%
  • Obama transition team creates Change.gov transitional website

    Obama transition team creates Change.gov transitional website
  • GovTwit, the first social media directory for government, is launched by Steve Lunceford

    GovTwit, the first social media directory for government, is launched by Steve Lunceford
    Social media directory for government IDs launches with ~150 IDs
    Anniversary blog post
  • Department of State creates "My Culture, Your Culture" Video Contest

    Department of State creates "My Culture, Your Culture" Video Contest
  • Federal Web Managers Council publishes Barriers & Solutions White Paper

    Federal Web Managers Council publishes Barriers & Solutions White Paper
  • NASA Launches Moonbase Alpha, 3-D educational video game

    NASA Launches Moonbase Alpha, 3-D educational video game
  • DC government launches Apps for Democracy contest

    DC government launches Apps for Democracy contest
    iStrategyLabs ROI press release
    47 applications were built in 30 days, with estimated Return on Investment (ROI) of 4,000%