1909 coke ad

History of advertisements

  • Shopping giudes

    Shopping giudes
    Shopping giudes were created to giude you through the shops , but they consisted entirely of add's in the end
  • First newspaper

    First newspaper
    The first newspaper advertisement, an announcement seeking a buyer for an Oyster Bay, Long Island, estate, is published in the Boston News-Letter.
  • Town criers

    Town criers
    town criers were the form of advertising in the 1700's inventd in 1750, there were no radios of televisions , so they had to have a person to announce all the adverts
  • First magazine adverts

    First magazine adverts
    Pensylvania packet and dailey advertiser americas first dailey succesful newspaper starts in philadelphia
  • First advertising agency

    First advertising agency
    Volney Palmer opens the first advertising agency in Philadelphia.
  • Averts in religeous magazines

    New York agency Carlton & Smith buy's the right to place adverts in reigeous magazines
  • Pond's beauty cream

    Pond's beauty cream
    With $250, Francis Wayland Ayer opens N.W. Ayer & Son (named after his father) in Philadelphia and the first commission system based on "open contracts." His clients include Montgomery Ward, John Wanamaker Department Stores, Singer Sewing Machines and Pond's Beauty Cream.
  • Conention of advertising

    First convention held in NY for advertising
  • James Walter Thompson

    James Walter Thompson buys Carlton & Smith from William J. Carlton, paying $500 for the business and $800 for the office furniture. He renames it after himself and moves into general magazine advertising. Later, he invents the position of account executive
  • Copy writing

    John Wanamaker department store owner first to hire full time copy writer for advertising
  • www.adclassix.com

    1900-2000 , ads that have influenced other advertisements
  • Army poster's

    Army poster's
    Propaganda photos used to pursuade men to fight for their country , for example the poster saying " We want you !"