60s timeline

  • SNCC is created

    SNCC is created
    The SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, was youth group of students that were opposed to the racial segregations at the time.
  • The flintstones airs.

    The flintstones airs.
    The first episode of the popular cartoon tv show "The flintstones" airs.
  • First Election on TV

    First Election on TV
    The first presidential election ,Kennedy v. Nixon., is aired on TV
  • JFK is elected.

    JFK is elected.
    JFK was inaugurated as the 35th president of the united states. He was the youngest president ever introduced in office.
  • Russians send a man to Space.

    Russians send a man to Space.
    In hot competition with the U.S the Russian space program sends cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
  • The Berlin wall is Built

    The Berlin wall is Built
    The berlin wall gets erected splitting the politically differing east and west berlin.
  • Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruth's homerun record

    Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruth's homerun record
    New york yankees player Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruth's single season home run record of 60.
  • SDS releases the Port Huron statement.

    SDS releases the Port Huron statement.
    Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) published The Port Huron Statement in 1962. The organization's stances on democracy, social justice, and civil rights were expressed in the manifesto.
  • Monroe Dies

    Monroe Dies
    Famous actress known for " Blonde Bombshell" dies of an overdose.
  • James Meredith registers at ole Miss

    James Meredith registers at ole Miss
    James Meredith was the first African American to be admitted to the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) in 1962. His enrollment at the university was met with violent opposition, including a riot.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    An American emergency where for a time we believed the communist controlled Russia were harboring missile aimed for the U.S in Cuba,
  • Dr.No

    The first 007 films premiers.
  • JFK assassinated

    JFK assassinated
    President John F. Kennedy is shot dead in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • The beatles arrive in the U.S

    The beatles arrive in the U.S
    The British boy band The Beatles arrive in America for the very first time to thousands of fans.
  • Ed Sullivan show

    Ed Sullivan show
    The beetles make their debut appearance on the ed Sullivan show.
  • NYC Worlds fair

    NYC Worlds fair
    A pavilion of over 80 counties sharing their nations cultures and experiences.
  • LBJ defeats Barry Goldwater

    LBJ defeats Barry Goldwater
    Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater with 61% percent of the popular vote.
  • Malcom X assassinated

    Malcom X assassinated
    Civil rights leader Malcom x is killed in New york city by Thomas Hagan.
  • Watts Race Riots

    Watts Race Riots
    A series of protests in the Watts neighborhood surrounding L.A in lieu of a police racial profiling.
  • LSD declared illegal

    LSD declared illegal
    The common psychedelic Lsd, which gained notoriety in the Summer of love is declarded illegal of the U.S Gov.
  • Star Trek

    Star Trek
    The popular TV show "Star Trek airs for the first time.
  • First Superbowl

    First Superbowl
    The nation football league holds their first "superbowl" game. The Kansas City Chiefs faced in the Green Bay Packers.
  • Sgt. Peppers

    Sgt. Peppers
    The Beatles release their 8th studio album entitled "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".
  • The Summer of Love

    The Summer of Love
    An influx of the hippie culture across San Fran that involved a renaissance of music, clothing, culture, and drug use,
  • Ali denies military' service

    Ali denies military' service
    Boxer Muhammed Ali in a anti - war sentiment states that he will not go to Vietnam and is labeled as a draft dodger and is sent to jail.
  • Thurgood Marshall on the supreme court

    Thurgood Marshall on the supreme court
    Thurgood Marshall serves as the first African American supreme court justice from 1967-1991
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong, and North Vietnam launched the Tet Offensive. The fighting which occurred over the Tet holiday, caught the South Vietnamese and American forces off guard and resulted in fierce battle in many of cities and villages.
  • MLK assassinated

    MLK assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr, an African American civil rights leader, is shot dead in Memphis Tennessee
  • Robert Kennedy Assassinated

    Robert Kennedy Assassinated
    During his political campaign run, Robert Kennedy is shot dead by Sirhan Sirhan in Los Angeles.
  • 1968 DNC Protests

    1968 DNC Protests
    A series of protests telling the U.S gov to "take the troops" out of Vietnam.
  • Nixon is Elected.

    Nixon is Elected.
    Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the united states. This was during a time of heavy American social tension around the controversial Vietnam war.
  • Stonewall riots

    Stonewall riots
    The Stonewall riots were a series of unplanned protests by LGBT members in reaction to a police raid that started early on June 28, 1969.
  • Americans land on the moon

    Americans land on the moon
    Apollo 11, which took off on July 16, 1969, and landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, was the first human mission to the moon. The astronauts who stepped on the moon were Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Neil Armstrong.
  • Woodstock

    It was a three-day concert that drew an estimated 400,000 people to a farm in Bethel, New York, to hear some of the biggest names in rock and roll.
  • The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival

    The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival
    The rolling stone hosts a music fest that turns violent with 3 attenders ending up dead.